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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Work-Life Balance


Work-Life Balance

Way before we heard about COVID-19, by so much decibels we have been hearing Work-Life Balance [WLB] both in our workplace and in our homes.

Listening to our families, they would ask us, where is your WLB please ?

Fast-forward, two [2] months after we all got holed up in our homes in the face of this global pandemic, surely you would hear some of our senior executives challenging us with the same refrain, where is your WLB please ?

So, let's call a spade a spade, there's no way out to this. We are now painted in a corner. We are now pushed in a corner.

We're asked and challenged, how's our balancing act based on the WLB mantra ?

Today is a classic case for me. I had scheduled business skype calls but I had to wiggle out and figure out things because today happens to be the 11th birthday of our daughter, our precious princess !

Hmmmm.......Way back, I used to report to a senior boss [reputed as a taskmaster] way back my HSBC days in Hong Kong & Singapore and there's just NO WAY you can't tell him that you don't have the time because he will retort back: MAKE TIME !

And that's how I did today. I notified my bosses that I'll take an early lunch break [by 11am] and be back by 1pm because I got to 'walk the talk', I got to prove that WLB works. And in the nick of time, before 1pm tipped-in, I was back home, got a our dining table filled with the foodies to excite our princess, our birthday celebrant today. And after the 'photo-ops', up I rushed to my 1pm skype call.

Without beating my chest, let this message resonate across [regardless if we are facing COVID or not]................ that FAMILY MATTERS !

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