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Showing posts with label Is Your WEEKEND a WEAK END ?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Is Your WEEKEND a WEAK END ?. Show all posts

Sunday, August 1, 2021



No pun intended.  BTW how's your weekend going? Can't blame many of us.  Ever since calendars were first used way back 1700s and later when Gregory came up with his Gregorian calendar in 1852, we're all hostaged by calendars such that businesses and even our daily lives are dictated by the calendar.  And that's where our problem lies.  We got so framed with weekdays such that weekends became our respite from the rigors of life.  But the $64 question is, DO WE REALLY ALWAYS NEED WEEKENDs ?

Ok let me pre-empt everyone by blurting a resounding "NO" !&%#?  Yes sometimes we do need weekends for specific family errands and priorities but that's about all.  But other than those 'MUST DO's, weekends should NOT be blocked off as our days to 'turn off and shutdown' because life goes on even on weekends.  Life does NOT have a power button to shut it off [else you will end up lifeless].  But at the end of the day, it's 'YOUR CALL'.

Everyone knows and hears TGIF.  That used to be my favorite expression EVERY FRIDAY, as in EVERY FRIDAY.  Not until I realized that unless I have a 'MUST DO' on a Saturday, almost all of my SATURDAYs are gone wasted.  DON'T get me wrong.  Prior to this pandemic, bringing my family for weekend malling was part of our sched and that just makes sense because you need to spend QUALITY TIME with your family.

So here we are, going back a full circle harping and hoping that your WEEKENDS do not become your 'WEAK END'.  How can WEEKENDS become your 'WEAK END' ?  One too many probabilities.  You procrastinate doing the necessary fixes in your home.  You spend your weekend going for a movie binge in Netflix or Viu.  Or social media gobbling up 99.99% of your time.  Or you just go for those endless counts of laziness in life.  Or frankly, just wasting your time with endless runs of nosy gossips that give you ZERO-benefits except becoming a 'certified busybody'.  And you might ask how your weekend turns into a WEAK END ?  Easy.  You wasted all your precious time over the weekend.

So, frankly and bluntly, SATURDAYS and even SUNDAYs are not being served 'a la cart blanche'.  You gotta earn for it before you can truly deserve a SATURDAY, a SUNDAY or both.  Else, i'll piggy-back on this poster which tells us that GRIND means GET READY IT'S A NEW DAY [and that includes SATs and SUNs].  Otherwise, please let us do a reboot and reset of our mindsets to remove SATs and SUNs as weekends that mean we could just lazy up.  

Now here's the deal, to quote: "IF YOU'RE STILL BROKE, THE GRIND INCLUDES SUNDAY".  Indeed this is non-negotiable.  There is no respite in life UNLESS/EXCEPT you have achieved the pinnacle of your 'defined success'.  And even then, once you reached atop after your most recent success, treat it as just another milestone success and then, SCALE-UP because SUCH IS LIFE✅✅✅

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