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Showing posts with label Quo Vadis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quo Vadis. Show all posts

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Quo Vadis


Quo Vadis

We're into the halfway mark of 2020. If we're into a hoops game, the halftime mark gives coaches to go back to the drawing board, for the players to recoup that energy coming into the 2nd half. For players enduring sprains, pulled muscles and the like, therapists would come in for a quick fix without worsening such injuries.

Coming full circle, QUO VADIS, where do we go from here ? Political systems will always have its 'structural flaws', flaws which the leaders will exploit in a snap. Add-up the idolatrous political bases of such leaders that goes along with a muzzled media and an uncritical citizenry, there you go. That is the recipe for a supposed lawful government that goes beyond the roof to raise its king for him to be above and beyond the law.

Quite difficult to fathom but that’s the way it goes. Leaders will terrorize its people, threaten the media and put in place agencies and quasi-agencies that look like democratic portals but factually are structures to legitimize the looming authoritarianism.

Like hyenas feasting on carcass, the creatures within the Frankenstein-like souls, they will enjoy those financial spoils to the hilt. You would even hear a senator bragging just a few days back that he likes his life now and was angling for the status quo. You would hear a certain congress being reconvened for just 1-day. Lo and behold, within that day-long circus cum legislative session, that rubberstamp body will serve on a silver platter the billions [oh, do I hear trillions of dollars of late ?] the up and coming despot demands.

Kringgggggggggg, the halftime buzzer sounds and let’s get back to the game but hold on. This is no typical NBA basketball game we’re into. This is the selfish game of ruthless and spineless leaders and politicians who will move goal post and change the rules of the game along the way.

To borrow a line from Bill Clinton, where does that road to tyranny begins ? That begins with the destruction of truth.

Brace yourselves folks. It ain’t over till it’s over unless everyone of us wakes up and stand up to reclaim our forgotten roles in society, that is, to be a part of a whole but not just end up muted like the fence-sitter.

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