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Showing posts with label How Often You Ride The BANDWAGON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How Often You Ride The BANDWAGON. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

How Often You Ride The BANDWAGON?

How Often You Ride The BANDWAGON?

For alignment, let's do a lookup of BANDWAGON EFFECT which is defined as that psychological phenomenon in WHICH people do something primarily because other are doing it, regardless of their own beliefs, WHICH they may [sometimes] ignore OR override.  So, How Often You Ride The BANDWAGON which is sometimes tagged as that HERD MENTALITY for that tendency of people to align their beliefs and behaviors with others📗📙📘

Let's look back into our daily lives.  Have you gotten into a hobby just because it seemed like everyone else was doing it?  Even if it's something you're NOT naturally drawn to, the sudden popularity might leave you wondering WHAT all the hype is all about.  Everyone else is doing it, so it must be worth doing it too?  REALLY?  Not too fast, dude.  It can leave you feeling like if you DON'T at least give it a try, you'll end up missing out on some important, shared cultural phenomenon.  So, WHAT explains this???

IF you've ever jumped on a trend, it's likely that you are manifesting either fear of missing out [FOMO], peer pressure, OR something else?   From a real-life perspective, that BANDWAGON effect is one reason WHY we often fall for short-lived trends.  It can affect our choices, in ways that can be both good and bad.  POSITIVE BANDWAGONs might inspire us to adopt healthy behaviors while NEGATIVE BANDWAGONs might lead us to try one questionable health advice OR spend money on things we DON'T need💧💧💧

Let's take a preview of the most common BANDWAGON effects happening across countries and cultures:

DIETs - WHEN everyone seems to adopt a specific diet, people are likely to try it themselves

FASHION - Fashion trends seem to be particularly vulnerable to the BANDWAGON EFFECT.  They also tend to be fleeting.  Just as one trend takes hold, others quickly become outdated and relegated to our closets💦💦💦

Our takeaway:  NEVER live your life by riding on the BANDWAGON [unless you are cocksure that that BANDWAGON is the best and most correct measure to go.  Looking back, I can humbly beat my chest and unequivocally affirm that NEVER I did ride on the BANDWAGON when life decisions had to be made.  If at all, it was during my teenage years WHEN I did succumb once or twice to that BANDWAGON.  Thereafter, I did bid adieu💥💥💥

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