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Showing posts with label Ending Up With Lower Priorities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ending Up With Lower Priorities. Show all posts

Friday, September 22, 2023

Ending Up With Lower Priorities?

Ending Up With Lower Priorities?

How often does it happen to us NOT until we belatedly realize that we're Ending Up [doing] With Lower Priorities?  Yes, I've been guilty of that several times in my life [and my guilt feeling is overflowing when I realized that during the recent pandemic, I ended up watching some NETFLIX movies that did NOT deserve such time I spent for it⌛⌛⌛

Indeed, time is our valuable resource that often slips away unnoticed.  Many of us find ourselves immersed with some activities that contribute little, if at all, to our personal growth or overall well-being.  And this gets mirrored crystal clear these months our daughter is on a school break/vacation.  To nip things in the bud, I required [YES, it was a mandated ORDER] to read at least one blog article before her gadget time during daytime and another one before her gadget time in the evening.  To ensure that it won't be exercises in futility, she had to verbally present to me her synopsis/summary and as 'icing on the cake', I required her to learn at least three new vocabularies/expressions per reading๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Truth is, instead of spending hours watching movies we DON'T care about, it just makes sense for us to reconsider utilizing our time for more productive endeavors.  To quote someone incognito, 'WHY NOT LEARN TO MASTER OUR TIME INSTEAD OF IT MASTER US?'  Common culprit here [and I'm guilty of this] here is our habitual tendencies to be so PASSIVE, like twiddling our thumbs๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Our days these times of digital environments enveloping our daily lives, it is [damn] easy to fall prey into that trap of PASSIVITY.  Mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds, binge-watching shows can, at times, leave us feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied.  Ooooops, allow me to exempt [but NOT to defend my wife, in this case, because after all the arduous cooking, she deserves those UNLI scrolls through the social media feeds].  BUT seriously, recognizing these seemingly unproductive habits is the first step towards reclaiming our time, redirecting it where it truly matters❗❗❗
Our insight today:  Where possible, before you hit the sack at night, ensure to have your TASK & PRIORITY LIST ready for your next day.  And where possible, DON'T deviate from your TASK LIST unless a higher prioritized task is warranted.  Otherwise, avoid ENDING UP WITH LOWER PRIORITIES✅✅✅

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