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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Pie in the Sky


Pondering Beyond the 'Pie in the Sky' Fantasy

Have you ever had those 'pie in the sky' fantasies? Surely

you did, you had. And don't get me wrong, there's just nothing wrong with it. In fact, that is so laudable because that motivates you to 'raise the bar' as you step up notches upwards the totem pole. Unfortunately, a bigger plurality of our population are satisfied enough to look up the tree and simply waiting for it to bear fruit for him to catch when it drops. What makes matters worse. If this is a parent’s motivation in life, how can you expect his children to ‘raise the bar’ in their own lives?

What happens when we dream too much? Have we heard an underdog suddenly leapfrogging? Heard of laggards suddenly leapfrogging? How about that trickster who rallies from behind and touches the finish line by a hairline? Hell no, what does these success stories tell us? It shows and proves that it pays to be behind while you remain so focused towards winning the bacon. You then become a surefire winner as compared to someone who poses as a hands-down winner only to be dressed up as a problem.

And who are the winners grabbing the limelight? These are the leapfroggers who, in the face of adversity, summoned all the energy he has and pushing himself to the limits, up to emptying his tank if need be. These are the competitors, the born winners because whatever it takes, the only acceptable outcome is either a WIN, a SUCCESS.

Back to our Covid pandemic. You might challenge me, how can we be daydreaming a ‘pie in the sky’ fantasy if we’re right here, stalled and stucked up in this long-drawn pandemic? Where’s leapfrogging in these circumstances? Hmmmmm, leapfrogging during this pandemic is like rising from the grave, turning garbage into gold. Simply put, if you are in dire straits, you need to extricate yourself from that hapless situation. Turn things around and get back on the mainstream. This is no time to sulk and definitely not the time for self-pity. It’s all hands on deck.

As the respected Muhammad Ali said, "You don't want no pie in the sky when you die. You want something here on the ground while you're still around". Well said message, short and crisp.

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