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Showing posts with label Second Wind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Second Wind. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Catching That 'SECOND WIND'

Catching That 'SECOND WIND'

💥 Anyone amongst you with that 'teflon factor', shielded from challenges, crisis, cataclysmic moments or catastrophic flashes ?  I guess everyone of us went through the toughest moments, enough to break our backs and leading us to the precipice of the breaking point.

Fact is, everyone of us almost do run out of gas the first time around.  And probably we felt like our fuel tank was about to get emptied.  But that's fine.  What matters is our second wind but the tough truth is that, that second wind doesn't come out on the fly.  Neither is it served to us as part of the platter.  You gotta figure it out  You gotta unlock it. You gotta unearth it from down deep.  More than your awareness, if things just don't pan out the first time around, try your tail at the other end.  You may be swinging for the fences, going for broke [remember those boxing bouts where the boxer catches his second wind, pushing his foe with a flurry of punches.

At that juncture, we need to realize that perception DOES NOT equate to reality.  When all the chips are down, this becomes your 'eye test' which you need to hurdle beyond doubt.  Get rid of the cob webs and any rust that could have creeped upon you.  Get that tick with your confidence that you have that ability to go for your second wind.  Gotta figure out what's your serious upside at this juncture.

Unlocking that second wind can start with that caffeine from that brewed coffee, from that bottled water during the pit stop, that corner stool at the boxing ring where your handlers are coaxing you to keep fighting and never give up. And most importantly, re-inject that self-respect, that self-confidence because everything follows thereafter.

Try throwing in the towel and you would feel hitting the seabed, that rock bottom.  What's summoning you will be a performance that warrants to nudge the rationale ouf of the window for a moment.  And if there's a mob of hecklers out there, NEVER pay attention to the outside because they're not inside in the first place.  

Anything else you need ?  It's your adrenalin, it's your final push and nothing less.  Just be glued at that FINISH LINE, enough for you to [finally] empty your tank.  And one last stumbling block you gotta hurdle is nothing but a four-letter word spelled F-E-A-R.  When you FEAR to fail, where you FEAR to fail, that will be the last nail on the coffin.  Go and dump out that 4-letter word because that's nothing but rubbish, with no value-add as you go for your last gasp.  GO for it !!!

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