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Showing posts with label FEAR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FEAR. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt [FUD]

Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt [FUD]

These days, the clouds are getting gloomier and the horizons out there are getting bleaker than bleak.  WHY?  Let's blame it on Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt [FUD].  Years back, the decentralized cryptocurrency now popularly called as the BITCOIN was lording it off way beyond and atop the financial market yet beyond the arms of regulators📗📙📘

As we move in our daily grinds, we might go through more rough patches and losses would often taken you aback, sometimes leaving you to question what are you here for.  In the real world, however, 'FUD' is considered part of a salesperson's toolbox.  Like, in bad faith, one can sow FEAR to a competitor [either in business OR in life] in order to 'win over' a prized plum.  On the other hand, FUD can be leveraged in good faith though💧💧💧
Problem is, FUD is being aggressively leveraged in social media.  Take along the millions of trolls WHERE people and organizations WHO fear the inevitable devaluation OR demise of their own competing investments, knowledge, reputation OR expertise.  As FUD attempts to persuade current and prospective customers of the superiority of a product by promoting false and more often ambiguous and unverified claims about a similar product or service offered by another entity OR organization❗❗❗
WHAT becomes quite disgusting is WHEN FUD is leveraged with an ill intent.  WHY besmirch or destroy the reputation of another person just to serve your self-centered ill intentions?  I did come across unfortunate instances within and between peer groups where one party would pull you towards them and detach you farther away from another 'option'💥💥💥
Our takeaway:  NOT everything in life is dainty and pure.  In the real world, both bad faith and ill intentions do exist, unfortunately.  PERCEPTIONs are the common target with the unfortunate intention of distorting or even 'REWRITING' the truth, the real score.  It all boils down to our own 'judgment call' in validating such information instead of accepting things hook, line and sinker.  BUT let us NOT lose sight of the fact that FUD is very much within our control, regardless if somethings borders on FEAR, UNCERTAINTY Or DOUBT❎❎❎

Sunday, November 1, 2020

When HUSH is spelled F-E-A-R


When HUSH is spelled F-E-A-R

The old school of thought always imbued in us that HUSH really means HUSH. Not until the likes of Donald Trump and other autocratic national leaders redefined it upside down.

With Trump, he was literally rained over with tons and tons of harassment suits and the threats of it. But overnight, those threats dissipated in thin air with nary a trace. With Trump, he had con men and even his former lawyers [like Mike Cohen] who literally 'hushed' the fears of those burgeoning list of sexually harassed litigants with tons and tons of 'hush money'.

With other autocratic leaders [don't look farther than North Korea's Kim Jong-un but just just somewhere nearby], 'hush money' is literally an 'overkill'. All it takes is ONE silver bullet to fatally pierce through one's spirit, one's body in fact and in truth.

The truth is, unfortunately in the regimes of Kim Jong-un and the likes, 'truth kills'. Those thousands of dead bodies piled up don't need another iota of evidence if one is given a 'day in court'. But under the court of repressive regimes of Kim Jong-un and the likes, what else should we expect except 'kangaroo courts' ?

Quo vadis, media ? You are the last savior to extricate these hapless and helpless souls ! We could be swamped with LIKES, SHARES & TWEETS but where's the beef ? We need you as the last vanguards of democracy and we do not deserve you to literally 'chicken out' from this deep morass just with your eerie silence even in the darkest nights.

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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