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Showing posts with label Are You Worth Your Salt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Are You Worth Your Salt. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Are You Worth Your Salt?

Are You Worth Your Salt?

Are You Worth Your Salt?  Sadly, this seems to be an irrelevant question because everyone values him/herself unilaterally, based on his/her own algorithm or as simple as arithmetic.  Two decades back when I signed off to the job offer from one of the biggest global bank, the then 'top gun' of the commercial banking group asked me 'WHAT AM I BRINGING TO THE TABLE?'.  And without mincing words and NOT even batting an eyelash, I told him straight to his eyes that I am bringing VALUE for MONEYTHAT I deserve the job offer they tendered⏳⏳⏳

A most common scenario is the job market where your MARKET VALUE is an estimation of HOW MUCH you should be earning based on your job title, years of experience, skills and even location.  Doing some research to determine your WORTH before walking into a salary negotiation can help you get the outcome [and INCOME] you want.  BTW, these days, you can go to MICHAEL PAGE or KELLY and request for their country-specific SALARY GUIDEBTW, what you can't find in those SALARY GUIDES will be your INTANGIBLES [as all those can only come from you]πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Now, WHAT's your PRICEPOINT?  Frankly, that is a tough question because you DON'T get the answer on-the-fly straight from the ceiling.  You need to sit down and run a thorough SELF-ASSESSMENT of each of your INTANGIBLES before you run a SELF-VALIDATION to ensure that you DON'T end up with rubbish INTANGIBLESπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Yes, we can compare ourselves to that gladiator who, before being deployed at the battle front, he gets assessed if he is WORTH HIS SALT.  Quite a letdown but many of us tend to end up with PRICEPOINTs whose MARKUPS do NOT seem to be commensurate to one's capabilities [and that includes the INTANGIBLES].  One time when my previous company was bidding for the project management services of one of India's biggest banks, they established a pricing baseline.  Unfortunately, they cannot get embedded in the sales proposal the services that can justify the bid price.  NOT until they pasted and embedded my credentials into the proposal.  Voila, the proposal was signed off✅✅✅

Oh yes, there are no mathematical equations to be solved here.  It's all the X's and O's and as a candidate with a VALUE-based proposition, we DON'T need to get into rocket science because as long as you CHECK ALL THE BOXES, then you're good to go.  BUT if you are the hollowed proposal with the weighing scale NOT tipping in your favor, you can easily be THROWN UNDER THE BUS.  You're TOAST. BUT not to despair as long as you never miss the benchmarking question:  ARE YOU WORTH YOUR SALT❓❓❓

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