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Showing posts with label C'est La Vie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C'est La Vie. Show all posts

Sunday, January 24, 2021

C'est La Vie, C'est La Fin, C'est Le Debut

 C'est La Vie, C'est La Fin, C'est Le Debut

⏳ C'est La Vie, as the French expression goes, means 'SUCH IS LIFE'.  Problem was [or rather, the real problem at hand IS], many of us seem to have literally subscribed to this French expression for the longest time.  When this Covid-19 pandemic did hit us all, everyone sang C'est La Vie like an Hallelujah Chorus.  What happens after we ran the refrain of C'est La Vie, we accept things with folded arms, with a resigned demotivation, doing nothing, exerting no effort, Worst, in a resigned state, many of us become 'more French than the French' themselves when we scream C'est La Fin. which means THIS IS THE END, whew !  Such a pitiful state indeed if we condone this detestable way of facing this Covid.

Are we part of Sponge Bob's legions of blind fans !@#$? Unfortunately, much as we don't want to take you away from being part of Sponge Bob's 'legionaries', we loathe it if we will handle the stark realities of life in this manner.  Simply put, we are NOT done and done !  We got enough cards laid on the table.  We got one too many options our eyeballs can really stare at.  It's for our taking.  And we should NEVER give up just because Covid is literally all over the place now.  Instead, this is the time to regroup, to reconvene and harness our energies, singularly and even collectively as a community.  Unfortunately, you and I, we all can't be faint hearted in the face of this pandemic.
It's mind-boggling but who would have thought that this pandemic will literally click a hell lot of our vertical industries and business, from the travel industry down to leisure.  Pitiful and miserable, cinemas have closed down and it has caused beyond just a ripple effect because with cinemas shut off, movie productions were almost shut off as well and we commiserate the hundreds of thousands way laid from work as part of the entertainment industry's drastic downsizing.

Enough of this sermon from the pulpit, though.  Question is, what do we do next when everything goes SOUTH ??? A LOT, as in, A LOT.  I personally, I rediscovered a hell lot of opportunities.  I recouped one too many missed opportunities in the past, all due to my fault, my miss.  And what were those missed opportunities ?  It's reinforcing and strengthening relationships, both within your immediate families and your 'extended families' at your workplace.  
Yessirrreee, despite the fact that almost everyone is working from home for almost a year now, we are as guilty as someone accused of treason if we will [falsely] claim that our relationships at our workplace weakened and went down the drain, all because of this pandemic.  NOT AT ALL.  Instead, we should turn this pandemic upside them.  Let's turn the downsides into upsides, and I MEAN IT.
But before you get deluded with a hell lot of fiction, never miss out weaning things out, FACT versus FICTION.  Those peddlers of fake news, they suddenly sprouted out in full force the past 3-5 years.  Please DON'T easily and quickly succumb to the self-proclaimed experts who have sprouted like mushrooms during the rainy days.  Blindly subscribing to the tons and tons of FAKE NEWS is, unfortunately, happening all over, especially to the ill-informed, less educated populations whose ONLY ACCREDITED source of news is ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that is SHARED in Facebook. 
And before I get doubted to be one of the peddlers of FAKE NEWS, this poster comes from the World Health Organization @ https://www.who.int/southeastasia/outbreaks-and-emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/fact-or-fiction.  Having said this, what's there to lose if Mr Google is touting all the benefits of turmeric ? Going through one of my favorite daily morning browsing Malaysia's New Straits Times , this piece really caught my eye because this article was sharing the writer's experience while going over to the Chow Kit Market [i.e. 3 decades ago,
Chow Kit was notoriously 'famous' for something but that's in the past though because these days, I agree, it's really that typical market we wanna go to]. See  https://www.nst.com.my/opinion/columnists/2021/01/659965/traditional-remedies-are-about-giving-comfort-hope.  And today's piece from the New Straits Times brings me to this FACT or FICTION, as to what 'from home' countermeasures can we bring on in the face of this pandemic.  So, please DON'T fall prey to those BAD BOTs because there's a lot of them [beware those Facebook Shares. BEWARE !]
Going through one of my favorite daily morning browsing Malaysia's New Straits Times , this piece really caught my eye because this article was sharing the writer's experience while going over to the Chow Kit Market [i.e. 3 decades ago, Chow Kit was notoriously 'famous' for something but that's in the past though because these days, I agree, it's really that typical market we wanna go to]. Visit this enlightening piece in today's 

NST:  https://www.nst.com.my/opinion/columnists/2021/01/659965/traditional-remedies-are-about-giving-comfort-hope.  And going through dollars and cents, in the local [wet] market, ginger costs $4 per kilogram whereas Turmeric costs about $1 per kilogram.  What could explain this huge disparity ?  It's all that fundamental law of SUPPLY and DEMAND.  Where demand goes up, the supply gets gobbled up fast and obviously, prices end up going north.  With turmeric, seriously, myself and my family are benefiting both financially and 
health-wise.  What's $1 for a kilogram if that helps you shield from this scary pandemic.  So, who says C'EST LA FIN, another French expression which means IT'S THE END.  Let me shoot down the naysayers and the self-proclaimed experts of doomsday.  It's NOT C'EST LA FIN.  Instead,  i'll cling to another French expression, C'EST LE DEBUT, this is just the beginning.  
Bluntly, frankly, let me end this marathon piece by saying this all over.  Let us NOT sulk and indulge in self-pity and outright resignation all because of this pandemic.  We gotta realize the tons of realizations that have surfaced in the midst of this pandemic.  Here's my SHOUT OUT: C'EST LE DEBUT, THIS IS THE BEGINNING !!!😀😀😀

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