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Showing posts with label Keeping Afloat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keeping Afloat. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Keeping Afloat

Keeping Afloat

Is Keeping Afloat worth our discussion ?  Absolutely.  The reason is that there have been one too many casualties who got drowned simply because he failed to Keep Afloat  So, the most basic question now is how can we Keep Afloat ?  Again, this is no simple A-B-C but if we hue to the sound fundamentals of containing life's challenges, we have a china man's chance.  

First things first.  we need to embrace RESILIENCE. Simply put, resilience is defined as that capacity to recover from difficult circumstances in our life.  That is our ability to withstand adversity and BOUNCE BACK and grow and move forward despite life's downturns.   BTW, resilience is NOT a trampoline where you're down one moment and up the next.  Instead, it's more akin to climbing the mountain without a trail map.

While resilience is a theory, let's go down to real-life experiences such as illness, loss of a loved one, abuse, bullying, job loss and even financial instability. There is that shared reality if tragic events in the news such as terrorist attacks, mass shooting and natural disasters.  People have to learn to cope with and work through very challenging life experiences to Keep Afloat. The resilience theory refers to the ideas surrounding how people are affected by and adapt to things like adversity, change, loss and various risks.

Being resilient does NOT mean that people don't and won't experience stress, emotional upheaval and suffering.  Some people equate resilience with mental toughness but demonstrating resilience includes working through emotional pain and suffering.  Resilience is NOT a fixed trait.  Flexibility, adaptability and perseverance can help people tap into their

resilience by changing certain thoughts and behaviors.  Research shows that students who believed that both intellectual abilities and social attributes can be developed showed a lower stress response to adversity and improved performance.  Key factors of resilience will lead us to deeper discussions but it's worth scratching the surface by stating that there isn't a simple TO-DO List to work through adversity. But never ignore your SUPPORT STRUCTURE because that will be at the very core so you can Keep Afloat and not get drowned ✅✅✅

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Keeping Afloat

Keeping Afloat 

KEEPING AFLOAT ?  I'll be the last to proclaim this to be easy because this is easier said than done in fact.  Fact is, in our life, its akin to swimming in the wide expanse of the oceans that are shark-infested with you literally nowhere to go except to run for your life, with your survival as the sole goal and nothing more.  Those are situations in our life when suddenly, we would throw away all our greed and ambitions simply for the sole pursuit of surviving and seeing the next day.

How do we then survive if we are in the worst of worst scenarios ?  #1 - PUSH YOUR LIMITS.  Do something that pushes your ability to improve on.  #2 - DON'T GO THROUGH LIFE ALONE.  You may be an introvert but there are situations which you can't handle all by yourself.  Build and surround yourself with a solid support system that really knows you.  If you're single and not committed, it could be friends you trust most.  

#3 - BE OPTIMISTIC.  Most of the time, we tend to have a negative outlook on things especially when it seems too hard to handle.  #4 - HAVE A JOURNAL.  Regardless if you're in a good or bad mood, having a journal allows you to write down your thoughts when you feel uncomfortable talking to people.  #5 - STOP COMPARING - Your life is different from others so you shouldn't feel bad if others are already at the peak of their success [while you're not].  Learn to trust the process and believe in your strength and capabilities that you can achieve whatever goals you have in life.  

#5 - AVOID HAVING A PITY-PARTY - Feeling sorry for yourself will get you nowhere so never drown yourself in self-pity.  Always remember that you're human.  Don't let the negativities get to you, and never ever think that it's the end of the world.  They are there to help you become strong.  
#6 - FEEL THE PAIN - Pain is inevitable, you'll feel it one way or another.  Remember that surely there's another opportunity out there waiting for you. #7 - STAY COMMITTED & FOCUSED - Have a focus and stay away from distractions and things that may hinder you from achieving your goals.  Every time you face a problem, you overcome a mental hurdle.  

#8 - DON'T BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF - It should be a constant reminder that you should always be kind to yourself.  The challenges that we face are there to bring out the best and the worst in us. Sometimes you can only depend on yourself and no one else.  #9 - ENJOY SOLITUDE - You might think that the best way to cure your problems is by drowning in alcohol and going all-night partying ??? Listen, booze and parties WON'T solve anything.    And lastly, #10 - DON'T EVER STOP TRYING. Giving up is not an option, dude ❗❗❗

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