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Showing posts with label What You Settle For Is What You Get. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What You Settle For Is What You Get. Show all posts

Saturday, October 12, 2024

What You Settle For Is What You Get

What You Settle For Is What You Get

What You Settle For Is What You Get.  I reckon this is one of the most tweaked quotes ever.  Another version with same context says:  YOU ARE WHAT YOU SETTLE FOR.  Except for 'AOG's [Acts of God] like natural calamities and the force of nature, this one-liner is very very true and super super factual.  And there's even no need to buttress this.  To quote my departed classmate WHO told me this WHEN we were still in high school:  AIM FOR THE SKY, NOT JUST THE TREE-TOP.  You might challenge me as to WHY should this be our talking point today WHEN this is stating the obvious.  Simple dude.  This is as relevant today as it was last century, last decade, last year and yesterday📘📙📗

Before I get whacked here, DON'T ask me if we're wasting our time for this thread?  NO sirrrs trust me we WON'T waste even a second of our precious time because it behooves to dissect as we have been witnessing countless [horror] stories of frustrations and failures.  Do we just turn a blind eye?  OR should we look the other way around?  Our sole intention here is modest enough to be an effective platform💦💦💦

And that intention is to right the wrong, clear up the murkier waters, to increase one's awareness and for those now on that road to redemption, to reinforce so that you DON'T loose that momentum.  True, everyone has to settle for something at some point.  Because you just CAN'T have everything and you CAN'T go on without compromising for your entire life.  Having said this, we SHOULDN'T just settle for less than WHAT makes us contented, happy and satisfied.  No one wants to end in limbo OR purgatory, right???

WHERE things get mixed up is WHEN instead of choosing WHAT we think is [theoretically] the best one out there, you need to know WHAT you really need so that your happiness, contentment and satisfaction follows suit.  Missing out on that one causes your own narrative to turn down south instead of that favorable trajectory that augurs well for you.  True, sometimes we get obsessed with the idea that people can live the lives they want instead of the lives they have.  Can we pause for a moment and examine the disconnect between WHERE people say they want to be and WHERE they are [right now]???

Our takeaway:  To a certain extent, it's true that we almost always want better than WHAT we have now.  That explains WHY we set future-oriented goals.  We strive for those things that are perceived to be missing in our lives.  We work toward achieving those things that we want, WHETHER it be for our better health and fitness, a car, a house OR an enduring and great relationship.  With that said, one too many of us end up settling for less than WHAT we wanted.  WHY?  It's because it is way too easy to get caught up in our struggles.  Even if we're expected to believe that 'MAKING A LIVING' takes precedence over life, I personally DON'T buy that baloney because it's the end that matters.  WHAT YOU SETTLE FOR IS WHAT YOU GET❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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