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Showing posts with label Do We Really LISTEN Enough?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Do We Really LISTEN Enough?. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Do We Really LISTEN Enough?

Do We Really LISTEN Enough?

Do We Really LISTEN Enough?  Problem is that we, in general, do NOT know how to listen.  We do have ears that listen very well but seldom have we acquired the necessary aural skills which would allow our ears to be used effectively for LISTENING.  Extensive tests were also initiated by experts for testing the ability of people to understand and remember what they hear.  Those tests led experts to conclude that when the average person listens to someone talk, he remembers only about half of what he heard📘📙📗

Oh Oh, those studies pushed my curiosity farther.  So I surmised, WHAT HAPPENS AS TIME PASSES?  Studies show that two months after listening to a talk, the average listener will remember only about 25% of what was said.  Apparently, we tend to forget from one-half to one-third of it within hours. Indeed, this is startling to realize that frequently, we forget more in the first short interval💵💴💶

I can attest, as a first-hand account, I have interacted countless times with 'ME' people, those folks who would tirelessly talk about HIM, HIM HIM.  And when I'd interject a bit about me, immediately, he quipped YES and then he resumes his ME ME ME narratives.  Lesson here is that many of us would rather TALK than LISTEN.  While per se there's nothing wrong about it, a chronic practice just leads to an unhealthy one-way communications

Let's walk back down memory lane when we were all in school.  What's the top favorite one-liner of our teachers?  PAY ATTENTIONLISTEN!  Certainly, our teachers then feel the need for good LISTENING.  Yet, why is it our education systems [whether it's in First World or Third World countries] fail to develop and harness our learning more to LISTEN❓❓❓

I'm wildly assuming though that probably, our educators, our systems assumed that the LISTENING ability depends largely on intelligence, that 'BRIGHT' people LISTEN well and that the 'DULL' ones poorly.  C'mon, when can we realize that the most effective way for LEARNING is to WATCH & LISTEN✅✅✅

Straight from my thought processes...

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  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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