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Showing posts with label Breaking that Vicious Cycle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breaking that Vicious Cycle. Show all posts

Thursday, December 21, 2023



Let's reflect and look back within our daily life.  Do you feel tired of exerting all your energy into trying to achieve bigger and better results BUT all you end up with is the same thing in return?  Did you ever feel that FRUSTRATION burning in your chest the more you think about the VICIOUS CYCLE you're trying to get out of?  And do you wish you could stop comparing yourself to your peers, WHO seem to be doing much better in life?  Well, admittedly, BEEN THERE, DONE THAT but I'm more focused in Breaking That VICIOUS CYCLE💴💷💵

Even taking a positive spin, let us look around SUCCESSFUL people.  True, they made their mark BUT try to observe this if it's still trending.  When they hit a PEAK, and once they do, they DON'T know how to get past it.  Until years after, they might be awakened from their 'deep slumber' and realize that they were NOT doing anything NEW.  Things then had become a monotonous cycle and NOTHING you could change things.  Then, it leads to trying to escape That VICIOUS CYCLE📗📙📘

And at one point in my life, as I kept trying to remedy the problem [sometimes OUT OF FRUSTRATION] by tackling external factors, I never realized that the PROBLEM was in ME.  My internal beliefs were holding ME back from gaining clarity and developing an action plan.  So, how can I ever get to Break That VICIOUS CYCLE💎💎💎

At that point, I wanted to advance and reach a bigger stage in my life, those lofty heights made out of ambitious dreams. I became overly ambitious as I wanted to be HAPPIER and MORE SUCCESSFUL than I already was BUT the state of my mindset was holding me back.  That realization allowed me to analyze myself from within and pinpoint the exact feelings that were holding me back.  Voila, my biggest mental block was FEAR and DOUBT, so those two compelling variables were holding me out from Breaking That VICIOUS CYCLE❌❌❌

Then, things from bad to worse. I never stopped thinking [and OVER-thinking] like all the WHAT IFs.  As a result, I started working from a place of despair then even my decisions were fear-driven.  And as I couldn't get myself out of that harrowing cycle, my sense of doubt intensified     NOT until I realized that I could pursue alternative options to advance my goals and that led me towards Breaking That VICIOUS CYCLE✅✅✅

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Breaking that Vicious Cycle


Breaking that Vicious Cycle

Care to discuss about the VICIOUS CYCLE OF LIFE ? Much as we want to avoid discussing the VICIOUS CYCLE OF LIFE, the truth is, the harsh realities in life triggers many things to through the VICIOUS CYCLE OF LIFE over and over again.

Call it deja vu,

Have you been into the same dire situation, dire straits several times and probably numerous times ? Well, been there and done that but before we know it, we would admit it's deja vu all over again.

What will it take to break that vicious cycle ? Well, it takes multifarious steps to take, requiring gargantuan efforts no less. Not just lip service that "this thing shall pass". Indeed, that "thing shall pass" but before you now it, that same problem haunts you back all over again, sometimes pushing you to the verge of breaking your spirit.

Primus inter pares. First among equals. Much like working in a QA environment, you need to run a 'DEFECT ANALYSIS'. Where is that DEFECT ? Where is that WEAKEST LINK ? Where is that BREAKING POINT ?

Don't be daunted because you may not have to look far. For all you know, that DEFECT, that WEAKEST LINK, that BREAKING POINT is right within you. Could be your self-discipline [or the lack of it]. Could be your habits [and that includes the not-so-good]. Could be your parasitism, that chronic and irrational dependence on something which you dont have control anyway. Could be your being a risk-taker [or the sheer lack of it].

Once you have pinned down that RCA [root cause analysis] and identified that very DEFECT of your vicious cycle, correct your DEFECT, rectify it. If you need to change yourself overnight, JUST DO IT ! And more often than now, you may have to take own the most difficult pill to swallow. As a tactical [instead of a strategic] move, you may even need to take one or two steps backwards before you attempt to take a step forward.

Turning around takes more than words, more than guts, more than the number of kampais you are hostaged to. Prayers can help. Faith can help too. But those are drops in the bucket. For you to break that vicious cycle, you got to take life seriously and push yourself to resonate this message to you: that you don't want to get trapped [all over again into that vicious cycle]. Never again because there's no turning back.

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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