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Showing posts with label PLANNING in LIFE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PLANNING in LIFE. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

P-L-A-N, if you will

P-L-A-N, if you will

✅ PLAN if you will.  But before we get embroiled with PLANNING, think of that cabinet that's now overflowing beyond its rafters.  And what a hodge-podge it is, nothing more than a dumping pit of anything that trickles in.  And when you need to retrieve something, how the hell will you have it ?  How much effort you got to exert ?  And how long will it take you.  Now, much as we detest this, isn't this a common sight around us, a ghastly one at that ?  And when your life seems to be akin to this topsy-turvy world of cabinet files, how far can you go ?  How much more can you go forward ?  Aren't you stuck in a dead-end ?  Unfortunately, this seems a script reused over and over again as we see it around us, right ?

No hard sell is needed here.  Let's ask ourselves, why do we need to PLAN ?  Oh, pity this Covid pandemic, it is being tagged as the culprit as to why many of us are in a state of stupor, with no plan[s] at all !@#%? A lot of us are pointing fingers to this pandemic as the culprit of all these furors.  But if this is our train of thought, it seems you woke up at the wrong side of the bed, I guess.  Why leave it all to this pandemic.  Obviously, there are mobility and travel issues but you were not shackled at all, you're not handcuffed at all.

Oh, I'd like to quote Jim Rohn a reknowned motivational speaker who says: 'If you don't design your own LIFE PLAN, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan.  And guess what they have planned for you ?  Not much, seriously.

Does this narrative sound familiar ?  When in the past, we tried to piggy-back on someone else's plan only for all those seemingly grandiose plans turning awry.  But whose fault is it ?  DON'T point fingers to that someone who did 'ran the show' because it's you who piggy-backed anyway.

And here's the booby trap.  We all got lots of wishes.  I wish I'll migrate.  I wish I'll work in Europe.  I wish I'll be a senior executive in a global organization.  I wish I'll be earning 6 figures NET monthly.  But we're missing something here.  Unless we scribbled down our concrete plan and did execute it, all those wishes will remain as such.  And what does turn us nothing more than just another dreamer, no more than that.

Let's go for the brass tactics here.  When we, you PLAN, you gotta have a Plan A, Plan B and a Plan C.  In the old school, having Plans A and B was already a safety net in life.  But in all the statistical probabilities, the iteration just gets compounded by new variables, and that explains why we need a Plan C as well.  Where A or B fails, you got Plan C.

And if you now dread to be tagged just as a DREAMER, you got to cling on another 'D' buzzword and that's DEFINING DAILY OBJECTIVES, as in DAILY.  Is this too much to ask ?  No sireeee, you got 8-12 hours of being wide awake so you gotta move the niddle on a daily basis.  You're not that pilot who'll just take care taking off and go in 'auto pilot' move.  Life is not filled with constants.  Instead, variables are cluttered all over the place.  It's for you to clear up and clean up the clutter.  Will you now pick up the gauntlet ?  Or do you prefer to see your life stalled and in that state of stupor ?  Be a game-changer.  Move that needle now.🔑


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