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Showing posts with label That Cruising Level. Show all posts
Showing posts with label That Cruising Level. Show all posts

Sunday, November 1, 2020

That Cruising Level, does it matter


That Cruising Level, does it matter ?

The CRUISING LEVEL of life is very much analogous to the aircraft from the time it taxis along the runway to takeoff till it reaches that CRUISING LEVEL [where it could continue to fly in auto pilot till it safely touches down its destination airport]. Unfortunately, for many of us, the CRUISING LEVEL doesn't seem that important enough?

That cruising level, does it matter ?

Absolutely, definitely, it really does !

Both from an aerospace perspective and from a life perspective, it really matters and it matters a damn lot.

Because only then one can achieve stability, whether it's an Airbus or Boeing. Or even if you are just you, yourself about to face a lifetime of challenges ahead.

Might wonder then what it takes to get to your cruising level in life ? It's your takeoff, man. No less than that. If your takeoff flops, you'll not just fail to reach your cruising level. At worst, that failure can be fatal when you come to terms with achieving things in life.

As the old cliche goes, that first step, that quantum leap really matters because that inertia, that full throttle will give you the momentum to smoothen your takeoff in life. And once you get that momentum, your cruising level will just be a few notches up there.

Back to the ground, hope we appreciate the analogy. Why did the high-flyers really achieve that much in life ? It's their takeoff, man, no less than that. And why is a big plurality of our population are still grinding it out there, squeezing high and dry every sweat to achieve things ? It's all because of that takeoff. Either it got aborted or they did takeoff but only as high as the kite can fly. But kites ain't soar in life.

No flights during this COVID-19 pandemic ? That's baloney, that's untrue. Plan your life, plot your flight plan but remember, a giant step begins with one small step. Indeed, LIFE IS A JOURNEY, ENJOY THE FLIGHT.

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