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Showing posts with label What Hits You Deep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What Hits You Deep. Show all posts

Saturday, December 2, 2023

What Hits You Deep

What Hits You Deep

What Hits You Deep?  Surely we will end up with unique responses because we have our individual differences.  What Hits ME Deep is a mile-long list because somehow I value and appreciate quite many things in life.  Like AUTHENCITY + GENUINENESS, to me it equates to TRANSPARENCY.  And I can attest that this Hits ME Deep because it validates the sincerity of a word or act I've witnessed as receiving end.  You can be the most articulate, jolliest and cool person but if I feel that your words or action are NOT 100% credible in terms of AUTHENCITY + GENUINENESS, any words I would hear would be hollowed ones.  And every action will be tainted with doubt, at the very least๐Ÿ”–๐Ÿ”–๐Ÿ”–

I've had my fair share of interactions with people from different cultures and even religion but if there is a commonality in my enriching experiences interacting with them it is the compelling experience of being able to attest if the spoken words or the concrete actions taken are NOT tainted with self-serving motivations๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

I can be in a room full of strangers and it DOESN'T matter to me.  What matters to me is sifting through and figuring out who meets the criteria for AUTHENCITY + GENUINENESS.  Fortunately, the criteria to meet or fail the test of AUTHENCITY + GENUINENESS is within the very core of our human values.  HOW SINCERE are we  HOW is our good faith in what we say OR what we do?  And HOW FAR can we go once our AUTHENCITY + GENUINENESS are tested and validated๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š
To quote Cicero, the famous Roman statesman and lawyer:  TRUE FRIENDSHIPS are ETERNAL.  Well said.  CAN'T disagree with that.  If one will ask me, WHO and WHERE are my FRIENDS, that would be PEANUTS to me because I DON'T have a mile-long list of FRIENDS List.  WHY?  It's because I have a very stringent set of criteria before I can tag someone as my FRIEND๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
And without breaching Data Privacy or prying into your personal life, allow me to make a wild guess that one of your pre-defined criterions for one to be counted as part of your close-knitted circle of FRIENDS is that you and your supposed FRIEND[s] share common values in life.  It is that overlay between you and your FRIEND[s] that serves as the very bond that glues you together.  And surely, it is that genuine FRIENDSHIP that HITS YOU DEEP✅✅✅

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