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Showing posts with label When POSITIVITY Rubs Off. Show all posts
Showing posts with label When POSITIVITY Rubs Off. Show all posts

Friday, March 29, 2024



Are you POSITIVE-minded enough?  OR can you be more POSITIVE than what you are now?  OR on the downside, are you more of a NEGATIVE person who deserves to be flipped to be POSITIVE enough?  So, When POSITIVITY Rubs Off, do we stand a china man's chance to improve even by an inch from what OR where we are now?  C'mon dudeπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

If there's something we DON'T need to exert any effort, it's how to distinguish POSITIVE from NEGATIVE as it's like WHITE versus BLACK, GOOD and BAD, RIGHT and WRONG.  In which case, that desire to live a good and POSITIVE life comes naturally to us.  A POSITIVE life is different from just a specific goal we set to achieve.  If you want a specific thing like money, assets, a job or a person, then you might have it BUT it's still something you CAN'T always control.  But a POSITIVE life is something you can always take control of and change from within because you can live a positive life NO matter WHERE you are, WHO you areπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
So, WHAT is a POSITIVE life after all?  Numero uno, it's more than something you can just control.  It entails a series of thought processes, beliefs, and an overall mindset.  And going down on the nitty-gritty, it is maintaining an overly POSITIVE and realistic attitude and taking POSITIVE actions.  Focusing on the solutions to your problems rather than the problem itselfπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Consistently exerting that honest-to-goodness effort to constantly improve yourself and your life ignites you to learn especially from your failures and your mistakes, then moving past them and trying again with a new approach.  Living in the PRESENT and making the most of it while NOT dwelling much on the PAST or even the FUTURE.  And most importantly, FOCUSING the GOOD traits in people and NOT solely focusing on their flaws.  This then will lead you to more empathetic and even less judgmental and ultimately, you can strive your best with WHAT you have to work with✅✅✅
Now, indeed, all these are easier said than done.  So, where do we go from here?  CONTROL your mindset.  Let's look back how do we wake up everyday?  Do we wake up when the alarm clock goes off?  That's kind of saying that the idea of waking up early is a BAD thing and your mind makes the alarm clock as the trigger.  Another petty thing is waking up grumpy because you DON'T have to start your day that way BUT doing so, it's like you programmed all by yourself in your mind.  Think POSITIVE.  Act POSITIVE.  Live POSITIVE.  And mingle with POSITIVE people.  That's when POSITIVITY rubs off, promise❗❗❗

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