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Showing posts with label Weapons of 'MASS DISTRACTION'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weapons of 'MASS DISTRACTION'. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2023

Weapons of 'MASS DISTRACTION' [This is NOT a Typo]

Weapons of 'MASS DISTRACTION' [This is NOT a Typo]

Weapons of 'MASS DISTRACTIONNo sirs, this is NOT a typo [unlike almost two decades ago when the western superpowers were all ganging up on Saddam Hussein's WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION].  But please DON'T get me wrong, I am NOT against or aghast with all what social media offers us today because I do use this blogging tool and yes, I do use Meta too but this thread is NOT about social media

And BTW, what really distracts us is NOT just social media.  It COULD be music audio being played.  It COULD be that busybody in your neighborhood snooping around.  It COULD be the infant crying in the bedroom.  It COULD be an emergency ambulance blowing its horn nonstop along the road.  In short, we have a cacophonous combination of MASS DISTRACTION.  The question is, how do we handle all these❓❓❓

Indeed, we face two tough challenges in the light of all these distractions.  #1 is learning the tricks to handle it and #2 developing that self-discipline to handle it.  Studies show that in the United States, on average, the typical American gets distracted every eleven minutes and that it takes approximately twenty five minutes for you to settle down again to your task but regaining that LOST FOCUS for more complicated tasks is tougher than ever❗❗❗

Oh this pic looks like fiction but seriously, my naked eyes has witnessed this scenario a zillion times.  Pedestrians walking but so glued on that gadget.  Drivers behind the steering wheel BUT reading/texting an SMS [that's short messaging service].  These are real-life 'horror stories' and that vicious cycle has not been broken up even as we speak now.  So, WHY does it take time for us to RE-FOCUS back to our task?  This happens because our brain has to take considerable effort switching between objectives the person wants to pursue✅✅✅

What's our FIXes?  #1 STICK to your vision and goals in mind, period.#2 PRIORITIZE & PLAN your day right after you wake up.  #3 REDUCE the chaos in your daily life.  Much as you want to do 20 tasks, seriously, that's next to impossible.  #4 START + COMPLETE the prioritized tasks as per schedule, pronto.  #5 Drill-down and FOCUS on the smallest part of your task.  Many get lost because they are so enamored with the BIG PICTURE, period.  Lastly, control your CONTROLLABLE distractions, be it as simple as closing the door, turning off the Spotify music.  Be wary of today's WEAPONS of MASS DISTRACTION📌📌📌

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