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Showing posts with label How Far Can You Go?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How Far Can You Go?. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2024

How Far Can You Go?

How Far Can You Go?

How Far Can You Go?  How long will it take?  Ironically, these two interrogative statements represent two different mindsets.  So, my question is, WHICH one do you fall into?  MAYBE you fall into one in some situations and into the other in different circumstances.  Either way, it is a good REALITY CHECK to ask yourself as to which mindset is active.  You might retort, WHAT's the difference between the two?  HOW FAR CAN YOU GO is all about potential and possibilities.  On the other hand, HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE means that you DON'T have much time and you're probably hoping that that process DOESN'T take too much of the time either.  Early in life, OR to be precise when I was about to graduate from High School, I confronted myself with the following questions.  WHERE do I want to go in life?  WHAT direction do I take?  HOW FAR CAN I GO?

The first question I asked myself was the toughest.  Think about driving a long main highway way before Waze and Google Map were even conceptualized.  So you keep driving till you reach an intersection, and then you start asking yourself which of the three directions will you choose.  That remains the most crucial decision because your fate will be tied to that decision [and more often, there is no turning back, because in life, there is NO UNDO [unlike the functions offered by technologies]

Once I managed to hurdle that first question, the second question was kind of a bonus one because  it is closely hinged to the first question.  BUT here's the catch, having decided WHERE to go in life and WHAT direction to take are separate and distinct questions.  WHY?  Because more often, there are two OR more alternatives towards reaching a goal.  It's akin to scratching your back, you can opt for your left OR right hand.  BUT the decision-point hinges on the best optimized option
BUT the thing, life is really simple BUT many of us [and that includes me sometime in the past], we make things complicated.  We would scratch an itchy part with our left hand in a most uncomfortable manner WHEN all we need to do is to comfortably scratch with our right hand.  Many times in the past, on a first person basis, I was fully aware of the visionary plans of people in their lives.  BUT when I touched base with them many years later, it was frustrating to find them stuck WHERE I last saw them [in life].  WHY they got stalled is unfathomable BUT again, much as we DON'T want to dwell on the past and we are discouraged to keep dreaming of the future, we got to focus the present moment
Our takeaway:  Many times, WHAT stops us, WHAT stalls us is our very own self, our mindset.  And our brain is smart enough to recognize that.  IF you tell yourself that NO WAY you will learn driving because you can't withstand the daily chronic traffic gridlock in your city, I'll bet my last $20 that absolutely you will NOT learn driving up to speed.  In the simplest terms, HOW FAR YOU CAN GO solely hinges on yourself.  True, there are external variables BUT more often, we are our own worst enemy.  We can point our fingers to all directions BUT the BUCK STOPS on us, period.  WHO claims that they have done their darn best even WHEN they fell flat on their face?  Think about it, HOW FAR CAN YOU GO??? 

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