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Showing posts with label No Perfect Time BUT Now. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No Perfect Time BUT Now. Show all posts

Sunday, October 15, 2023

No Perfect Time BUT Now

No Perfect Time BUT Now

Everything AS IN everything starts with an IDEA.  From that time that seed of an IDEA pops-up, that's when each of us will be plotting our own respective paths.  NO common tracks for all.  NO super highways for us to cruise akin to the F1 races.  NO flight plans similar to those supersonic plans. IDEAs will then take their own ways to germinate.  So when is the perfect time for that IDEA?  No Perfect Time BUT Now
Surely, each of us went through those episodes in our life where we thought we should NOT be trigger-happy, where we expected that waiting will lead us to that PERFECT TIME, where we were made to believe that the probability of success conversely increases with the actual time elapsed, where we were blinded by our incorrect choices of role models who led us to that ill-advised move of NOT moving, NOT taking action, NOT lifting our finger, NOT starting off what needs to be started, NOT kickstarting things, NOT igniting the engine so we can shift its gear to a full throttle.  Unfortunately, we all ended up on that wrong path in each of our past, even at least as an outlier❗❗❗
Oh, this is an unfortunate REFRAIN we keep hearing over and over again and sadly, sometimes, it is ME, YOU or US blurting out those 'NOT READY YET' pull-ups simply because we felt quite good enough cloistered in our respective comfort zones and WRONGLY thinking that the PERFECT TIME will eventually come to unfold.  Instead, we WRONGLY thought that all we need to do is/was to stretch our patience thinly because many of us were framed by that mindset that eventually, things will ripen, things will mature before our SUCCESS will come into fruition❎❎❎
Yes folks, this is the blunt question we should confront ourselves IF and WHEN we end up in that predicament.  IF NOT NOW, WHEN? The pitfall here most of us suffered in the past is that we [wrongly] thought it's always a proven formula for success if we let things evolve and take its own course because pushing hard will doom us to failπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
BUT hey hey hey, while you are buying time and simply twiddling your fingers and getting fidgety, WHAT IS IN IT FOR YOU?  Very sadly, I did bear witness to numerous dismal failures of people whom I know either closely or first hand.  And if they have a commonality at all, they all FAILED because they kept buying TIME and waiting for TIME to ripened.  DON'T look far but that dreaded pandemic was cataclysmic because the first batch of fatalities and failures were those who were 'caught with their pants down', those who were waiting for the PERFECT TIME,  But hey dude, let's spread this out as a gospel truth, that there is NO PERFECT TIME BUT NOW, c'monπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

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