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Showing posts with label Shoot Your Shot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shoot Your Shot. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2024

Shoot Your Shot!

Shoot Your Shot!

In case you're watching basketball games, how often you would hear the crowd egging the player with the balll to Shoot Your Shot?  Probably many times. In real life though, we would often encouragements to Shoot Your Shot for various reasons.  If it's all about basketball itself, even our coaches will tell us that once you got the ball and you're need the 'CUPShoot Your Shot.  In relationships, things become a bit trickier because making the first move is often intimidating BUT it can become downright scary if you're uncertain WHERE the other person stands, right?  The FEAR therein DOESN'T mean you SHOULDN'T try BUT before trying, it might be worth exploring your hesitation, the viability and feasibility rolled into oneπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So, WHAT really scares us?  Is that the very first time you're putting yourself out there OR have you done it before and had painful, embarrassing or worse, traumatic experience?It is essential to remember that every person and context is unique.  Give people that opportunity to prove you wrong, to show up in a way that they choose to.  OR is there something from a previous experience that you have learned that can help inform HOW you SHOOT YOUR SHOT this time❓❓❓

You might play devil's advocate, WHY SHOOT if you're not ready yet?  That's hogwash and baloney dude. To test the waters, you got to SHOOT YOUR SHOT.  BTW, the probability is that in your first batches of attempts, your shot attempts will flop OR fumble.  BUT that's the essence why you need to SHOOT YOUR SHOT because only then will you be able to tweak and adjust things as you fumble and miss in your previous attemptsπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

The blunt message ot us is this:  STOP waiting for everything to be perfect [because it is likely that things will NEVER be perfect]  before you take action on your dreams.  SHOOT YOUR SHOT and adjust from there.  WHEN I took the risk of exploring my career options in Singapore many years ago, I have to admit that there was a high probability of me failing in that attempt BUT unless you swam and dived, I WON'T have that chance❎❎❎

Our takeaway:  DON'T take too long to hesitate making those attempts.  DON'T pre-empt things even before you attempt.  DON'T fear making those mistakes.  DON'T wait for things to be perfect [BECAUSE IT WILL NEVER BE].  DON'T wait to take action when there are NO RISKS because every action has its corresponding RISKSDON'T think that you have all the time in world because you got to remember that you live on BORROWED TIME, so if you procrastinate now, there may be NO TOMORROW for you to SHOOT YOUR SHOT.  Lastly, whether you take it figuratively OR literally, the fact is PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.  There's just NO other way to SHOOT YOUR SHOTπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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