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Showing posts with label When The Other Shoe Drops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label When The Other Shoe Drops. Show all posts

Monday, January 9, 2023

Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop

Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop

How often do you keep waiting for the other shoe to drop? And what does that mean? Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop means that behavior of having a need to do something that's needed or taking an action but holding in abeyance waiting for something or another party to 'make the first move' before he does.  Does this sound familiar?  Hmmm, I'm guilty of these lapses many times in the pastπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Now, not as a rude awakening, let me ask quite an innocent question with no ill intention:  HOW OFTEN DID YOU HELD OFF DOING SOMETHING SIMPLY BECAUSE OF A DEPENDENCY EITHER ON ANOTHER PERSON OR ANOTHER EVENT ?  I'm quite confident that everyone of us did go through those moments of dependency.  And frankly, let me share my attestation that on first-hand basis, I have witnessed many people [whom I know on a personal basis] holding off doing something simply because of another dependency⏳⏳⏳
Let's veer towards relationships,  Surely even within families, there are numerous cases where at least two parties DO NOT see 'eye to eye' through the years.  And when circumstances will lead those 'non-talking' parties to cross paths, GUESS WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?  Not to frustrate you but in most cases, NOTHING HAPPENS.  Neither party will say 'Hi' at all
Oh, that is the classic case of us WAITING FOR THE OTHER SHOE TO DROPMISPLACED principles.  MISGUIDED pride.  BLOATED ego.  Those are the most common triggers.  of us WAITING FOR THE OTHER SHOE TO DROP.  A fourth wild card in the equation of variables is TRUST versus MISTRUST.  Where either party mistrusts the other, rest assured you are about to witness another case of someone WAITING FOR THE OTHER SHOE TO DROPπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
So what's the fix?  Let's borrow this poster begging us to STOP WAITING FOR THE OTHER SHOE TO DROP.  Instead, you will get back and ask? So,  WHEN  do you STOP WAITING FOR THE OTHER SHOE TO DROP?  WHEN logic and reason should prevail.  WHEN  pragmatism should kick-in.  WHEN  sanity gets restored.  WHEN bloated egos get thrown out of the window.  Another wild card that throws a monkey wrench that exacerbates an endemic gap between two parties is when emotions remain in the middle of the equation.  Trust me, as long as emotions creep in, everyone will continue WAITING FOR THE OTHER SHOE TO DROP❗❗❗

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