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Showing posts with label goal setting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goal setting. Show all posts

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Setting Goals is not a Rocket Science


Setting Goals is not a Rocket Science.

How are you setting goals ? Do you set goals on the fly ? Do you keep changing the goals you set ? Do you set goals as you feel? Do you set goals as you need to ? Do you set goals only when you're facing problems ? Do you set goals only when you realize that you have to ? Or maybe do you think there is no need to set goals because each one has his own fate or own destiny ?

From the MIS Sloan Management Review @https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/with-goals-fast-beats-smart/, FAST goals overrun SMART goals black and blue. So, unlike the traditional approach which dates back to management guru Peter Drucker where the SMART [Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound] approach was the norm of the day until global technology giants like Google and Intel have proven that FAST [FREQUENT discussions, AMBITIOUS in scope, measured by SPECIFIC metrics and TRANSPARENT to everyone] approach has indeed 'delivered the goods' across organizations.

In the midst of this global COVID-19 pandemic, where do we stand in our goal settings ? Did we end up hostaged to Teradata and Big Data, only to get lulled into the analysis-paralysis conundrum ?

Are we in a state of stupor simply waiting for COVID-19 to get behind us ? What if this global pandemic will continue to hound us materially and impactfully for another 3-6 months ? Oh, letting 3-6 months slip through our fingers is the worst undoing we can be guilty of.

So, what do we do next ? Let's wake up from that deep slumber [thanks to the pandemic] and simply 'walk the talk', crystallize your goals, concretize your goals and speed-up and gain traction along the freeway !

The morning after, when this global pandemic is behind us, we'd like to hear from you that you did achieve a personal milestone inspite of this COVID-19 seemingly paralyzing things around us.

Straight from my thought processes...


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