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Showing posts with label That Power of Expectation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label That Power of Expectation. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2024

That Power of Expectation

That Power of Expectation

Have you ever observed that for some people, it seems their stars are always aligned?  WHEN they NEVER seem to run out of luck?  THAT student WHO would always ace a test?  THAT budding entrepreneur WHOSE half-baked business ideas always seem to take off?  THAT social animal who's frequently within the inner circle of people WHO are way out of his league?  This is WHY we need to dissect That Power of Expectation💵💴💷

Meanwhile, here you are, working your butt off just to end up with a C rating in mathematics?  So WHAT gives, really?  Well, studies tell us that it turns out there's a scientific explanation for WHY some people skate through life with ease while the rest of us continue to struggle.  It really all comes down to something called PYGMALION EFFECT, defined as psychological phenomenon in which HIGH EXPECTATIONS lead to improved performance in a given area and LOW EXPECTATIONS lead to worse📗📙📘

So, if someone expects you to do well, you are more likely to do well.  WHEREAS if someone expects you to fail, you will likely fail.  So, this PYGMALION EFFECT has become a solid proof that EXPECTATIONS can change everything.  If someone believes in you and expects great things from you, you'll likely aim higher.  And if they expect you to crash and burn, there's that high probability that you would flop, unfortunately💧💧💧

So where's the beef here?  It is how being aware of EXPECTATIONS can help us feel more content and resilient.  Having EXPECTATIONS  about how things will go is a natural human instinct.  We are wired to want to know WHAT's coming.  Expecting ourselves NOT to have EXPECTATIONS  is a contradiction in terms and this can evolve into a potentially harmful form of denial.  Like emotions, EXPECTATIONS are a normal part of life.  WHEN you are aware of your EXPECTATIONS with kindness and curiosity, you can use it to your advantage✅✅✅

Our takeaway?  We DON'T need to look far back.  Just look at the recent pandemic.  It crushed ALL our expectations.  Many things we took for granted were suddenly OFF THE TABLE.  We really need to align ourselves with EXPECTATIONS as long as they are realistic.  Not a long shot, dude, that POWER of EXPECTATIONS❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

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  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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