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Showing posts with label Keep Anticipating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keep Anticipating. Show all posts

Monday, August 8, 2022

Keep Anticipating !

Keep Anticipating ! 

Happy Monday folks.  Let me start the week with a seemingly hollowed question.  When do you feel that adrenalin rush, that fidgety feeling of being unable to wait for the next day, next hour.  And BTW, what keeps you going on your feet?  Of course you got your reservoir of energy but is that what keeps you going?  I doubt it.  Instead, I'll confide with you what keeps me going, whether it is a Monday morning because what really ensures the locomotive train to keep going is that it Keeps Anticipating !
Let's just picture out that l'il girl who's looking forward for her birthday come next day.  What keeps  her anticipating !  Hmmm, it's that never-ending anticipation of all the possible gifts she will receive come next day.  Back to myself, what's my trick for maintaining that momentum and adrenalin rush?  It's simply to keep anticipating! And when do I start anticipating? I do start that anticipation as early as Sunday evening!
Here's the key, though.  What will you be Anticipating?  Ok, anticipate the do-good stuff, the positives and not the negatives  You DON'T anticipate FEARS and WORRIES.  It has to be your probable higher academic grades in school, that possibility of you receiving a customer commendation,.  It has to be your 1-on-1 with your team members who'll get promoted with your approval.
As American Author Iris Johansen says, ANTICIPATION MAKES PLEASURE MORE INTENSE.  That PLEASURE of promoting your team member, that PLEASURE of helping the needy, that PLEASURE of surprising your partner/spouse on his/her birthday come next day, that PLEASURE of breaking your daily revenues as you kickoff promoting new restaurant menus
In the midst of your travails, you would need any drop of anticipation, in whatever form and shape it may be.  Now, let's play devil's advocate.  WHAT IF we stop anticipating?  Oh ok, that's not a crime but do you know that that deprives you of starting things with the right foot?  Imagine your Monday list of appointments and deliverables start off on a placid Sunday night when you start to psyche up yourself because to KEEP ANTICIPATING is all that will keep you going, your energy pumping, your motivation would have reached a ceiling that keeps going up for you to realize that your ceiling is higher than expected✅✅✅

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