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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Don't Miss Biting the Apple


Don't Miss Biting the Apple.....

Apples are our opportunities. So, if and when one day, an opportunity knocks on your window pane or at your very doorstep, don't miss out biting the apple. Grab that chance to bite that apple because opportunities do not come and go akin to the wall calendar which all you need to do is flip the paper showing today's date and when it gets flipped, voila, the date for the next day surfaces [remember those days of the calendars from Chinese establishments whose 1-sheet per day calendar is spans 2 to 3 inches in thickness]. What happens when you miss biting that apple? That next apple you can bite may not come soon, not in another year or two. With tough luck, that next opportunity may surface after a couple of years or even more.

Contrary to what is wrongly perceived, opportunities do not abound everywhere. As you trudge a long treacherous trek, it could be muds, rough patches, potholes or worse, land mines could have been planted all across, about to explode anytime you mis-step unto it. If you are that stubborn and you cling to your unfounded expectations, you are light years away from what is true, from what is factual. Bluntly and likely, both your feet are not firmly on the ground. In brief, you are off track.

Oh yes, there could be signages but by the time you come across such signages, you are, at the very least, one step behind. And if and when you are a step behind, the effort required for you to catch up will be double [or even triple] than the original effort needed for you to exert. Remember when driving and you need to overtake, you need to step on the gas more than was is/was your normal acceleration. That is a non-debatable given. When you are left behind catching up the dust, that's a handicap you need to overcome sooner than later. For a lazy [or even lazier] dog, he won't even think of stepping on the gas harder than what he used to. Unfortunately, that kind of indisposition is an affliction that pervades across society to the extent that, that becomes more a malady that leads to a malaise.

To quote Harriet Jackson Brown, the respected American inspirational author, 'nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity'. What makes it more expensive? Because it will take twice or even much more of the original effort for you to catch up and be on par and at par in that typical round at the sun baked golf course.

In this digital world we live in, alerts and calls can snap in a second then it goes pffft. If the lifecycles of products in this digital world have considerably contracted, opportunities have much much shorter shelf lives. And worse, such opportunities these days will surface cloaked enough for it to look opaque or eerily not visible at all. It is for you to be discerning, to be incisive, for you to figure out and unearth an opportunity right there up for grabs.

Oh, this anonymous quote hit me hard: 'We do not get unlimited chances to have the things we want. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life'. It is regrettable if we have been feeling so comfy because these days, we hear UNLI load, UNLI calls, UNLI rice but what is not UNLI these days? It's those apples, those missed opportunities. And what's head-scratching? It is when those missed opportunities were possibly a game-changer, a life-changer? So sorry dude, by that time, you are stretches way behind and likely, you'll be 'eating the dust' of that real dog spearheading the pack. Quo vadis?

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