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Showing posts with label Too Little Too Late. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Too Little Too Late. Show all posts

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Too Little Too Late

 Too Little Too Late

Indeed, our lives remain colorful despite sometimes, things do become that boring.  But sometimes, either we are ahead of the pack and sometimes, we're doing some catch up.  Sometimes we exert lesser efforts but we're not in 'catch up' mode whereas sometimes we're in 'catch up' mode but our efforts are just right.  Things turn to bad and even worse when, without us realizing it, it is Too Little Too Late.  Imagine you are in a 'serious trouble' and you realized by then that you are in that Too Little Too Late situation.

Honestly, in life, we end up with so many 'Too Little Too Late' situations but it does NOT seem chronic because each exception seems unique to itself.  Like way back in school, you realized your academic grades were not so good and by the time you did a 'catch up', it was the fourth quarter, Too Little Too Late.  Or at the workplace, you have been flopping with various misses and miscues and by the time you did a 'catch up', it was Too Little Too Late because performance appraisal time was around the corner and how can you turn things around at that point in time.  Or when your relationship was floundering and by the time you did a 'catch up', your partner/spouse just walked out❓❓❓
Or at those points when you were simply adventurous and kept paddling your kayak farther and farther from the shore until you ended up in 'catch up' mode but by that time, it was Too Little Too Late.  We could rattle off a long list of travails and turmoil when we were, over and over, in 'catch up' but in the end, when it was Too Little Too Late, we failed to recoup and recover, whew
Often times, the single most impactful element that triggers us to get into a 'catch up' mode is our TIME MANAGEMENT, that's it.  Many of us just DIDN'T develop that rigid self-discipline of managing our TIME. TIME is often taken for granted because its neither bought nor billed to us.  We thought it does NOT affect us financially.  No $$$$$ at all.  But we miserably fail to realize that TIME is worth more than just sheer $$$$.
So, which path do you want to take?  That path to EXHAUSTION?  Or that path to that 'YAY' moment?  But did you know that the difference in terms of efforts between an EXHAUSTED person versus a 'YAY' person is not that of a HUGE DIVIDE?  But everything boils down to TIME MANAGEMENT, enough to tilt things when it becomes Too Little Too LateπŸ“—πŸ“•πŸ“˜

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Too Little Too Late

Too Little Too Late

How many times in our life did this happen wherein it became Too Little Too Late?  Like when you wanted to graduate with top honors but before you knew it, it was already the 4th quarter of the academic year?  Like when your relationship was going down and down and by the time you made a move, your partner walked away by then?  Or your business was sinking and by the time you want to revive it, your creditors have filed their legal remedies against your properties and business ?

Without generalizing things, what could be the most 'common culprit' for us to realize that indeed, by the time we make a move, it isToo Little Too Late?  It all boils down to TIME.  NOT because we didn't had time.  NOT because there were conflicting timelines.  NOT because we had zero options.  But likely it's because we all thought we had ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD.

Common culprits triggering Too Little Too Late end-games are WRONG information, WRONG facts, WRONG assumptions. WRONG historical basis.  And when you get it all WRONG, we know well the end result and your guess is as good as mine.  It all sums to GARBAGE-IN GARBAGE-OUT because in the very first place, our very raw data, raw information and raw assumptions were all wrong and incorrect.  But this is just one common cause of ending up in Too Little Too Late end games.

Conclusion:  Let's all get our FACTS right.  Unfortunately, NOT all facts are facts per se.  Because there are BAD data.  Because there are INVALID data.  In brief, you need to VALIDATE your data and information before coming up with strategies and plans based on the GIVENs + ASSUMPTIONS.  

If we're in a damn topsy-turvy world now, it is us to blame because these are the results of decisions and actions we have taken in our lifelong journey.  And what's regrettable is when in end games that result in a relationship breakup or in a business collapse, we still come up with the solution that comes in Too Little Too Late❗❗❗

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Too Little Too Late


When it's Too Little Too Late

Armageddon. Blunders. Catastrophe. Disasters. Exhaustions. These are the ABCDE’s in our lives, sometimes, hitting us hard every few days, every week or as frequent as it would till our morale gets shot down, till our spirits crumble, till fuel tank gets almost emptied.

Life without those ABCDE’s is not life per se. if we scrutinize the landscape, whether it’s all about global warming, terrorism, poverty, corruption or even this Covid-19 global pandemic, you would hear ‘TOO LITTLE TOO LATE’ reverberating all over, as a post mortem. Conversely and sparingly, sometimes it becomes ‘TOO MUCH TOO SOON’ but that becomes part of our future threads of discussion.

Let’s take a leaf with what’s most relevant these days, CORRUPTION and COVID-19. What have we done to arrest the endemic corruption all over the place? Oh yes, some administrative cases have been filed against some ‘small fries’. Oh yes, some ‘unknowns’ and ‘ non-entities’ have been languishing in those decrepit and stinking jails. And that’s TOO LITTLE. How about those running the corrupted tentacles in the corridors of power? And these days, poverty is all over the place. And this is TOO LATE.

Shifting over to the ongoing NBA Playoffs series between the surprisingly hOt Miami Heat versus the highly favored Boston Celtics, the powerhouse team of the Celtics romped off with margins as high as twenty [20] points and by the time Miami Heat ignited a rally, it was TOO LITTLE TOO LATE.

Here's a food for thought: "When it's just too little, too late, a losing war and no matter what plans we utilise, it's not good enough and the last resort is too small, too weak to make the difference needed. When your strongholdis infiltrated, your bastion of strength, weakened. You know that you face a true upill struggle, one which you stand almost no chance of overcoming, let alone coming out through alive and well - when a person feels like that, then what?. Unfortunately, this painted scenario is shaping up to be the 'end of the road', another TOO LITTLE TOO LATE.

Back to this Covid-19 pandemic, when did almost everyone took seriously the need for SOCIAL DISTANCING? Even as late as the past few days, in one particular Southeast Asian country, throngs of people converged all because of curiosity to see the white sands dumped in a long polluted shore. And the authorities who should be policing them? They remained incognito.

Back to our lives. At some point, were we ever guilty of being TOO LITTLE TOO LATE? Surely we’ve been guilty of it. I myself, I’d admit I turned bad situations into worse situations simply because what I did and whenever I did, it was TOO LITTLE TOO LATE. Sometimes, we put up walls that inhibit us to take the next step. And this reminds me to quote Isaac Newton: ‘We build too many walls and not enough bridges’. Makes sense?

But until we hit the end of the road, until our Creator calls us for the final judgment, “It’s never late to do the right thing”. Problem is, or rather, the recurring problem over and over again is that we tend to keep waiting, waiting and waiting. As Sarah Strohmeyer said, ‘Sometimes if you wait too long, it’s too late’.

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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