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Showing posts with label When You Realize You're So 'OUT OF LEFT FIELD'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label When You Realize You're So 'OUT OF LEFT FIELD'. Show all posts

Monday, September 4, 2023

When You Realize You're So 'OUT OF LEFT FIELD'

When You Realize You're So 'OUT OF LEFT FIELD'

It is just nothing but NORMAL when life if filled with uncertainty and worries about the future.  And while many things remain beyond our control, your mindset is key to coping with difficult circumstances and confidently facing the unknown When You Realize You're So 'OUT OF LEFT FIELD'.  Whether it concerns the recent global pandemic, the economy or your finances or health and even relationships, much of what lies ahead in life remains uncertain [even when at the very moment, everything just seems so nice and dandy]πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Yet, as human beings, we crave for security.  We want to feel safe and have a SENSE of CONTROL over our lives and well-being.  FEAR and UNCERTAINTY can leave us feeling anxious and worse, stressed and worst, seemingly powerless over the direction of our life.  Indeed, that situation can drain us emotionally and trap us in a downward spiral of endless 'WHAT IFs' and worst-case scenarios as to what tomorrow will bring forth to usπŸ‘˜πŸ‘˜πŸ‘˜
We're all different in how much UNCERTAINTY we can tolerate in life.  Some people seem to enjoy taking risks and living unpredictable lives while others find the randomness of life deeply distressing.  But all of us have a limit though.  If you feel overwhelmed by UNCERTAINTY and worry, it is important to that we're NOT alone.  Many of us are in the same boat  It's also important to realize that no matter what, we can deal with what it isπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

So what matters most is coping with that UNCERTAINTY.  While we may NOT acknowledge it, UNCERTAINTY is a natural and unavoidable part of life.  Very little about our lives is constant or totally certain and while we have control over many things, we CAN'T control everything that happens to us.  The recent pandemic is an example✅✅✅

One day, things may be just fine and come the next days, the whole world was literally crumbling down to its feet.  The unfortunate ones even lost their job and ended up finding themselves struggling to put food on the table so to speak.  To cope with all these uncertainties, many of us use worrying as a tool to trying to predict, the future and avoid nasty surprises.  Worrying can make it seem like we have some control over UNCERTAIN circumstances.  Most importantly, you must realize when you're SO OUT OF LEFT FIELD❗❗❗

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