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Showing posts with label EXECUTION TIME Is All That Matters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EXECUTION TIME Is All That Matters. Show all posts

Friday, November 1, 2024

EXECUTION TIME Is All That Matters

EXECUTION TIME Is All That Matters...

In the technology space, especially in the developers' world, we would hear compile TIME versus, load TIME versus execution TIME but all along, EXECUTION TIME Is All That Matters.  BUT setting aside all these jargon, in our daily life, we can say WHAT we want to say.  And if you want to spread it out via social media, that's your call BUT  EXECUTION TIME Is All That Matters, and NO less than that.  Set aside all the hullaballoo and all the hype BUT all those WON'T matter because in life, only OUTPUTs and OUTCOMEs do matter๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

It's true there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of POSITIVE habits we can build and a lot of books and speakers on the internet have a high volume of information BUT WHAT most of us are missing out is EXECUTION.  We can have 8 billion brains and 8 billion ideas and plans BUT a very few among the trillions make it to the real world and survive.  And EXECUTION is no less than transformative✅✅✅

BTW, EXECUTION is NOT just the fuel BUT the very whole seed in itself.  Ideas and plans are cheap and plentiful BUT EXECUTION is rare.  If you sit down and think about solutions to a problem you will get multiple ideas that can solve the problem it takes a couple of seconds depending on the problem to generate ideas, BUT the thing is, EXECUTION takes effort no less๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Problem is, the majority of us think that ideas and mentality are the seed of something [else] OR something great BUT in reality, it is NOT.  Instead, ideas and mentality are nothing until an effort to EXECUTE is made.  And beyond that, the ultimate output OR outcome comes into fruition.  Take out any of these variables, you WON'T have the basic equation to succeed in life.  And while in the past I always thought that mindset is everything, although it is a big deal, it is NOT everything at all.  In fact, let's give credit WHERE credit is due.  At the very least, a plurality of us are fully cognizant of that EXECUTION phase of an idea OR a plan❗❗❗
Our takeaway:  EXECUTION per se is NOT the be all and end view of everything.  Instead, it is our consistent action over time that leads us to disciplined EXECUTIONS. And it pays off to have a defining question WHICH keeps you focused and on track.  Be wary of the old school's READY-AIM-FIRE motto is that we end up spending more time planning until the opportunity has slipped past behind us.  So, is there anything else is of more paramount importance than EXECUTION???

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