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Showing posts with label Still Working HARD?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Still Working HARD?. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Still Working HARD?

Still Working HARD?

WHETHER in work OR in life, most of us do strive to accomplish MORE in LESS time.  WOULDN'T it be nice to do in a few hours WHAT it used to take you half a day?  BUT by concentrating and minimizing distractions, YES YOU CAN.  So, if you're Still Working HARD, not to despair.  We can leverage on what battalions of experts have shared for us to leverage.  BUT please DON'T get me wrong.  We are NOT inciting people at the workplace to work LESS, NOT AT ALL sirrrrrrrrrs📗📙📘

Topping the list of recommendations is DELEGATION.  Delegate MORE.  Mastering that ART of DELEGATION is an essential skill.  BUT if you're a control freak, perfectionist or micromanager, it can be difficult.  Experts advise that the key is understanding that the ability to DELEGATE will make you more productive.  I've seen that many times in my life.  I had a colleague where we are all managing multiple projects.  BUT the problem arises when you start to work longer hours and YET you are unable to read and detect those bellwether signs and instead, you extend your work from 10-hour daily work to even twelve to fourteen hours.  One day, I talked to him, and gave him my unsolicited advice, which he did heed.  WHAT happened next, he talked to our Program Director and it was then mutually recognized that his workload was way beyond his bandwidth📌📌📌

Next most common miss we commit is our lack of focus on HIGH-IMPACT tasks.   Chances are, you have a mile-long task To-do List and instead of trying to accomplish everything or get to INBOX ZERO, focus on tasks that will have the greatest OR biggest impact.  Work SMARTER by concentrating on the things that are most critical💧💧💧

Next unpopular BUT very common miss we have is NOT KNOWING WHEN TO QUIT.  While it may seem counterintuitive, it is essential to know WHEN to shut down your computer for the day.  You know and you would see those TELL-TALE signs that your fuel tank is about to breach that EMPTY threshold. Before you know it your mind seems to wander, then you keep rereading the same content over and over again.  OR maybe you feel stuck and it's taking you half an hour just to write a simple email❎❎❎

Our takeaway?  A lot of times, when we are unable to DELIVER THE GOODS, the more common culprit points back to us.  NOT because we have tough customers, tough bosses, tough environments BUT it falls back on our lap due to these most common culprits.  Bottom line here is that LIFE is NOT about QUANTITYWHAT matters most are your ACTUAL deliverables, ACTUAL accomplishments.  Do you get credits for having a mile-long To-do List and accomplishing half of it?  No sirrrrs.  So, dude, let us WORK SMARTER✅✅✅

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