How $$$$$$ Really Works
How $$$$$$ Really Works. Most of our problems would solve if we just made some EXtra effort to understand how $$$$$$ really works. Many times we think $$$$$$ DOESN'T buy HAPPINESS. True most of the time. BUT dude, $$$$$$ buys us freedom, right? And that freedom buys us a LOT of choices, which eventually makes us happy to earn more $$$$$$. So, $$$$$$ is more about psychology than just numbers. And the sooner we get to understand this, the faster we are able to take charge of our $$$$$$. We DON'T need to look far. Let's look at Tier-1 of society. The Elon Musks. The Paul Zuckerbergs. They DON'T need to work like a donkey all day BUT they have something that puts them aside from the rest of the worldπππ

This is WHERE every motivational speaker is 'SPOT ON' when preaching the importance of having a PURPOSE IN LIFE. Everyone of them will tell us that a LIFE WITHOUT PURPOSE is NOT the right way to go. And yes, none of them is wrong at all. In fact, 100% of WHAT they say is really damn TRUE. BUT it's NOT the easiest WHEN you're struggling to find the motivation that you need to find a PURPOSEπ§π§π§Indeed, it takes a lot to take a step out of your life without PURPOSE to change the way you live and think. So, WHAT bigger motivation can there be than to tell you all the reasons WHY a life without a purpose is hurting you. BUT we got to carry on, right? Because in the first place, a life without a PURPOSE has NO meaning. Have you ever dreaded a lifeless life? If NOT, you probably DON'T know HOW excruciating such an existence is. Imagine NOT wanting to wake up every morning BUT also NOT wanting to go to sleep at night. NO will to work, NO excitement to spend, NO friends' company to enjoy, and NO reason to continue living. A blank mind with nothing to think about. The lack of emotions is nothing to look forward toπππ Yes, WHAT else you would feel BUT that kind of depressing life WHEN you feel a life with NO purpose. The long and short of it is that a LACK OF PURPOSE means a LACK OF GOALS. This means nothing is leading you to an imaginary final destination. You literally have nowhere to go, you find it absolutely torturous to be on the way, and you DON'T even like the route. WHY then would you even want to carry on with that journey? Even if you had goals, WHAT IF they are haphazard? LIKE one goal contradicts the other. You're all over the place with NO sense of direction at all. A life without PURPOSE is as meaningless as this❎❎❎ Our takeaway: Motivation is a long-lost dream. One thing that pretty much every human WHO wants to be successful needs is a lot of motivation. Let's look at it from the perspective that you do have defined purpose in life. You trust in every way that life leads you to. WHAT does that do? It boosts your brain to work harder. Every step of the way makes you feel closer to your final destination. This automatically encourages you to perform better. HOW $$$$$$ REALLY WORKS is perplexing!@#$%?