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Showing posts with label when the cards are stacked against you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label when the cards are stacked against you. Show all posts

Saturday, February 6, 2021

When All the Chips are Down

When All the Chips are Down

⏳ Pun intended, when all the chips are down, you become taller because suddenly, you'll be seating on a pile of chips, literally.  But seriously, let's take stock of things.  When indeed all the chips are down, very likely, either one of these two probabilities may arise.  Either you disintegrate and crumble into pieces or you end up bolstered and boosted, never dented by a setback which to you is just another one in passing.  And that too shall pass.  I'd like to piggy-back on that blog of Shawn Doyle @ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/8-ways-to-stay-motivated-_b_9455570 wherein she rattles off the basics of all basics, namely:  Have that 'THIS TOO SHALL PASS' mindset, surround yourself with supportive people, keep moving forward [not backward and not in retreat], avoid everything 'negative', don't get into 'negative self-talk', revisit [and if needed rewrite] your goals.

And this cuts through ages.  You can be a fragile-looking girl or you can be septuagenarians.  And I'll take a leaf from one of Brendan Baker's piece @ https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/3-must-do-strategies-for-building-momentum-in-life.html wherein he espouses that it's all about momentum, namely, 'JUST DO IT, SCHEDULE IT and LEARN ABOUT IT'.  Bottomline, you gotta infuse all the energy and focus into it.  Be consistent.  If you're into something that requires half an hour everyday, stick to that regimen.  

For those who did hit a roadblock over and over again, remember that SUCCESS has NO deadline.  And there is NO quota for failures as well.  And once you turn a corner, seize that moment, gain the momentum and endeavor not to lose it.  From this article @ https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/when-you-lose-momentum-you-become-vulnerable-to-distraction, it tells us that 'momentum has a psychological effect...It's like Newton's First Law of Motion.  An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion... unless acted upon'.
Question:  how do we get into that momentum mode then ?  First and foremost, be sharp figuring out where's that lurking glimmer of light, glimmer of hope out there in the horizon.  From the  community of Joseph Wilner, this piece is worth it:
https://youhaveacalling.com/personal-success/how-to-get-unstuck-and-start-building-momentum because before even dreaming for that momentum, you gotta get unstucked first.  And once you get unstucked, 'learn from your stuckness'.  Lessons gotta be picked from there  because that teaches us hard enough.  Any less less hard may not be as good as that damn hard lesson that got us stucked in that deep morass.
And this leads us to the next question:  how do we stack the cards in our favor ?  Take this from Inc.com
https://www.inc.com/john-brandon/4-ways-to-stack-the-deck-in-favor-of-success.html wherein John Brandon tells us that success doesn't happen just through sheer luck.  And there are four cornerstones he espouses, namely:  work MUCH HARDER and SMARTER, be around successful people, keep doing things where you have been successful and lastly, if you're in a state of failure where the implications have been wide and deep, considering another field
This narrative has been heard thousands of times this past year of the pandemic.  We have heard ex-pilots now into delivery services like Grab, retail managers now cooking their home-cooked food and selling it in front their houses, a concierge guy now into home-cleaning.  And BTW, these are all honorable kinds of work wherein they had to switch fields because the situation has demanded for it.  Akin to boatmen out there in the high seas. eventually, you will see the shores looming in the horizon.  Keep sailing, dude. 📌

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