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Showing posts with label NEVER Take Things Personally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEVER Take Things Personally. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2024

NEVER Take Things Personally, As In, NEVER

NEVER Take Things Personally, As In, NEVER

In the past, we would often hear someone blurt:  DON'T BE ONION-SKINNED.  But these days, will you still ride on that one-liner?  Probably NOT because many if NOT majority seem to be on that path of being ONION-SKINNED.  Oh Oh, WHAT happened WHY suddenly the ONION-SKINNED ones have lorded it over the field?  Blame it on social media.  WHAT should we do?  NEVER Take Things Personally, As In, NEVERπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

Truth is, every one of us has that tender [call it SENSITIVE] underbelly of our psyche.  Everyone has something they're SENSITIVE about, where even a gentle poke can feel more like a THWACK.  Comments DON'T slide off like water from a duck's back.  Instead, some of us tend to feel more like a sitting duck.  BUT hey, criticism is an inevitable part of life, and hearing reasonable negative feedback without overreacting is a life skill.  IF we can hear fair criticism of our actions without taking it PERSONALLY, NOT only do we escape feeling hurt OR shamed, we also keep criticism from escalating.  By contrast, if we think, 'YOU HURT MY FEELING', that pain will likely spread over youπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So, dude, WHAT can we do?  So that we'll take things less PERSONALLYHOW can we toughen ourselves to become hard-hearted?  Many experts all zero-in on two key points, namely:

  • CONSIDER THE SOURCE - WHY?  Because source matters.  DOES the criticism come from someone you like and respect?  DOES the person know you well enough? OR is it characteristic of this person to shoot from the hip?  DON'T end up by reacting from the hip
  • GIVE CRITICS ANOTHER CHANCE [BUT NOT unlimited] - People make mistakes but as they say, CRITIQUE ME ONCE, THAT'S ON YOU.  CRITIQUE ME TWICE, THAT'S ON MEπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
BUT before you get so hanged up on others, experts always advise the long-term FIXES should be on us, on you, as you are the ONLY person WHO can change yourself.  It is a known fact that individuals WHO are hypersensitive to criticism often have high moral standards.  And it is a good thing that they have a strict moral code and their values really run deep.  BUT the harsh truth is WHATEVER statement that hurts you STILL hurts❎❎❎

Our takeaway:  Much as many times we believe that we are on the right side of things, it will help for us to question our tendency to sometimes veer into perfectionism.  Experts claim that individuals WHO take things PERSONALLY often work really hard to be blameless, flawless OR just be consistently precise so as you DON'T end up criticized or blamed.  BUT if it does happen, NEVER TAKE THINGS PERSONALLYπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

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