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Showing posts with label Is Your PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS Tried & Tested. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Is Your PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS Tried & Tested. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024



PROBLEM SOLVINGWHAT a boring topic. is it?  Is Your PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS Tried & Tested? For most, I guess so BUT for some of us, I'll speculate that some of us may need some guidance into the foundational aspect because the ability to solve problems is a basic life skill and is obviously essential to our day-to-day lives whether it's at home, at school, OR at work.  WHY?  Because we got to solve problems every day in our life, that's it💵💴💷

One thing about problem-solving is the misconception that there is only one solution to every problem.  That is TOTALLY OFFTRACK because there is NO ONE SIZE THAT FITS ALL.  Let's have the simplest example here wherein you want to go to the store but it's raining.  WHAT do you do?  You can opt for an umbrella, OR drive, OR take the bus, OR call a friend OR call for Grab Delivery OR put off the plan till the rain finally stops.  In short, there is NO right way to solve this problem and very obviously, different people will solve a problem differently📗📙📘
So, WHY don't we go back to basics here.  WHY is problem solving that important?  Good problem solving skills will empower you NOT only in your personal life BUT are critical in your professional life.  And in the current fast-changing global economy, employers may often identify everyday problem solving as crucial to the success of their organizations.  On the other hand, for employees, problem solving can be used to develop practical and creative solutions, and to show independence and initiative.  Good enough for us, as there are many skills involved in problem solving, our accumulated experience and the necessary combinations of skills would be key to solve problems😑😑😑
Setting aside problem solving skills, the ATTITUDE to problems do play a significant role in solving problems.  In the simplest terms, we need to leverage on the combination of our best qualities, depth of experience and breadth of knowledge.  If we feel either our experiences OR knowledge needs to be beefed up, that should NOT be a show-stopper.  Instead, let us develop approaches to go into UNCERTAINTY❎❎❎
Our takeaway today?  WHEN you think that you DON'T know how to proceed in solving the problem at hand, it DOESN'T mean that you DON'T know how but simply put, it means that it's time to look for answers to your questions.  In a nutshell, let us endeavor to get the most knowledge from your own and other people's experiences as well so that you are able to broaden your horizons, develop and enhance your thinking, and thereafter apply your knowledge.  So, if your problem solving has NOT been TRIED & TESTED yet, do TRY and TEST it at the earliest opportunity❗❗❗

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