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Showing posts with label Can We Overcome INDECISIVENESS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Can We Overcome INDECISIVENESS. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2024



Can We Overcome INDECISIVENESS?  Does figuring out WHAT outfit to wear in your early morning run put you into a tailspin?  Do you become PARALYZED when trying to decide whether OR not to take that new career opportunity dangled to you by the headhunter?  Frankly, struggling with INDECISION is like being stuck in the mud.   That is just NO FUN at all.  To quote anonymously this one-liner:  'THERE IS NO MORE MISERABLE HUMAN BEING THAN ONE IN WHOM NOTHING IS HABITUAL BUT INDECISION'πŸ’΅πŸ’·πŸ’·
I totally agree, making DECISIONS might be at times quite difficult.  And of course, there are outliers WHEN we would grapple with decision-making BUT like any skill, we can get better at it with constant practice.   So, the bigger question is, WHY IS MAKING DECISIONs so HARD?  In most narratives, that FEAR of making a wrong DECISION is one of the most common reasons that many people hesitate when faced with a choiceπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
Sometimes, one is afraid of FAILURE or even the consequences of SUCCESS [ironically].  You may worry WHAT other people will think about you.  Perfectionism might be, unfortunately, getting in your way.  And who knows, you might be out of practice, especially if you HAVEN'T made many big DECISIONS in your life.  BUT do note that INDECISION has an upside because hesitation gives you valuable time to think about the situation, giving us the chance to gather more information and weigh the factsπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§
And if you CAN'T make a quick DECISION, it may be possibly a sign that the choice really matters to you.  And if you're second guessing yourself, it might be a warning that you're about to make the wrong DECISION.  The important thing here is NOT to let INDECISION keep you stuck forever.  BUT let us be wary of the downsides of INDECISION before we get squeezed by it❎❎❎
What's our takeaway?  INDECISION becomes a 'bad thing' when it lasts TOO LONG.  You might ask me, HOW LONG IS TOO LONG?  That really depends on the circumstances.  Will you be missing an important opportunity if you wait and hold in abeyance your DECISION?  Will the DECISION become even harder to make if the more you will dwell on it?  By itself, INDECISION can sometimes become a DECISION by default BUT that's NOT the way we want our life DECISIONS to progress, right?  Frankly, we need to OVERCOME INDECISIVENESS❗❗❗

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