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Showing posts with label Is NEGATIVE THINKING An Issue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Is NEGATIVE THINKING An Issue. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2025



Is NEGATIVE THINKING An Issue?  YES it is and it will always be.  Because while there are important concerns in life that may need one's attention, a NEGATIVE thought tends to distort the implications of our actions and decisions.  BUT think about it, much of WHAT we much worry about DON'T even happen.  And WHILE there is a lot about the current situation WHICH we CAN'T control, we can still control HOW much we focus on those NEGATIVITIESπŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“—

The ace up the sleeves of psychologists is for us to STOP, THINK and QUESTION if your thoughts are actually TRUE and try to put in a different spin on your life and even your problems.  Looking at the Covid-19 Pandemic, the lockdown itself is NEGATIVE enough but if we put a spin to it, we will be thankful to contribute in terms of the safety of the people and public you interact with.  And you even get proactively protected as well✅✅✅
Studies show that quite often, the NEGATIVE things we tell ourselves are self-critical and sometimes unrelenting BUT ironically, we would be unlikely to talk to OR even think of a friend as harsh as we do it upon our own hapless self.  So, here's a NOT so big ask:  Can we treat ourselves in the same way you would treat a good friend and take the time to offer your own self the same POSITIVE reinforcement OR encouragement you might offer someone else.  I'll admit that in the past, I was guilty of this because here I was, counselling a friend BUT being tough on myself, WHICH is NOT just ironical but frankly, regrettable and totally off-track.  BUT I made those mistakes beforeπŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–
WHAT we are hearing from psychologists is that the mood of others can amplify OR even create NEGATIVE thought patterns, so the practical advice we're getting here is to endeavor surrounding ourself with POSITIVE people [even if it's a virtual setup via Zoom] BUT we got to make sure that those people WHO will surround us AREN'T also stuck in a similar anxious and possible NEGATIVE situation like you may be facing.  Consider removing yourself from NEGATIVE influences or social circles then❌❌
Our takeaway:  I've heard this before and let me quote, "WATCH WHAT YOU'RE WATCHING [or READING]" because as well as focusing on POSITIVITY in your social interactions is imperative, we need to be conscious of the messages we are exposed to through a variety of channels, including through the conventional media and worse, even via social media.  Watching, reading OR listening to ongoing negative coverage can leave you feeling further isolated and worse, depressed.  And worst, it may lead you to an increase of symptoms of acute stress.  To piggy-back on WHAT experts counsel us, let us aim to assess information critically and obtain such from a wide variety of sources [let us NOT limit ourselves] and different viewpoints as that will give us a wider perspective, wider viewfinder because YES, indeed NEGATIVE THINKING is absolutely an ISSUE❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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