WHAT IF Everyone Thinks You're Wrong BUT You're Right [Or Otherwise]?
WHAT IF Everyone Thinks You're Wrong BUT You're Right [Or Otherwise]? We've all been in the circumstance WHERE we're having a conversation [OR sometimes, an argument] with someone and they're convinced you're wrong about something even though you know you're right. WHETHER it's trivial facts OR serious issues, HOW you react to the accusation can turn the course of the whole conversation. Of course sometimes we can fall into such infallibility battles even WHEN we're NOT arguing with a know-it-all. We often slide into them and gradually, even with reasonable people💧💧💧
Sometimes, we do get exasperated with each other and even impatient to prove our point. And to keep our boats afloat, we start rocking each other's boats. Then, pretty soon the goal is sinking each other, proving once and for all that the other person is a complete nincompoop. Psychologists have even coined the 'winner takes all, loser still pays' pattern. Indeed, that goes a long way toward explaining WHY when we're in a hole we keep digging. Experts confirm that those patterns show up even in wars, elections keeping up with the Joneses, gambling, investing and even informal arguments. We invest then, having invested are unwilling to let go. We're willing to pay almost anything to keep from losing but so are our competitors. NO ONE willing to surrender❌❌❌
Experts have practical recommendations:
CHECK YOUR OWN ARGUMENTS FIRST - Just because you know you're right it DOESN'T mean getting into an actual argument is worth it. As our forefathers shared their wisdom, CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES
DON'T BE EMOTIONALLY OVERWHELMED - WHEN you're opposed by someone, you tend to have an emotional response which is normal BUT experts advise it's best to keep calm💥💥💥
IT'S NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY TO CHANGE SOMEONE'S MIND - Sometimes it is just plain NOT worth it to try and change someone's mind. UNLESS an issue is that serious enough, it's occasionally best to just agree to disagree and move on
SOME ISSUES ARE OBJECTIVE, SOME ARE SUBJECTIVE - With concrete issues, like the height of the tallest mountain], it's very possible you're right provided you have observable, objective and verifiable facts✅✅✅
Our takeaway: Your relationship should dictate HOW you respond. WHEN a friend OR a family member says you're wrong about something you know HOW to temper your response because you've known them for a long time. WHEN it's a stranger OR worse, a boss OR co-worker, it's important to weigh the usefulness of a response. If your boss is vindictive, it's likely best to accept their wrongness and move on IF you want to keep your job [UNLESS their wrongness is a high risk and perilous to you OR even to your organization. And IF you think you're CORRECT, make sure you're CORRECT. It seems obvious to you that you're right BUT that DOESN'T mean you're NOT making assumptions. And once you've decided it's actually worth reacting WHEN someone says you're wrong, it's time to formulate that response in a way that will actually get your point across❗❗❗