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Showing posts with label Hanging On When You're 'ON THE EDGE'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hanging On When You're 'ON THE EDGE'. Show all posts

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Hanging On When You're 'ON THE EDGE'

Hanging On When You're 'ON THE EDGE'

Before I get harangued with today's thread, allow me to be clear.  There's simply NOTHING wrong for us to be ON THE EDGE. No one, NOT even Elon Musk is immune OR exempt from being ON THE EDGE. I myself, I've BEEN THERE, DONE THAT [many times [and I thought I WON'T survive]].  At the veru least, though, we must be aware enough if ever we're  'ON THE EDGE'πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
The least we can do now is to increase awareness as to when we're ON THE EDGE.  Some low-hanging tell-tale signs which may help us pre-empt things:
  • WHEN you see, to keep worrying
  • WHEN your self-criticism is peaking
  • WHEN you seem constantly drained, exhausted
  • WHEN you're working non-stop, with no breaks
  • WHEN you're eating gets distracted, irregular
  • WHEN you're becoming more cynical, negative
Digging up for the more common root cause of these manifestations, many studies have traced this to situations of getting overworked and/or constantly stressed out.  The unfortunate common end-result of these ON THE EDGE circumstances initially lead to INEFFICACY, which means, experiencing diminished personal accomplishment, a perceived decline in competence or productivity, and expending energy at work without seeing any resultsπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
That's NOT the end of our 'horror' story, though.  Much as we DON'T want it to happen, physical illness may creep in.  Initially, the physical symptoms can surface in a subtle manner.  You may experience headaches, a recurring, persistent cold, a stomach bug or an upset stomach or even a weak immune system in general.  Then, if we tend to ignore these early signs, your body may HIT A WALL and later end up with a more serious diagnosis.  Lesson here is we should NEVER look the other way around and ignore even seemingly subtle tell-tale signs in our daily life because WHEN THINGS TURN SOUTH, when things turn for the worse, you might likely end up grappling with a situation requiring twice or more of the effort to fix things✅✅✅
Our insight for today is that we should prepare ourselves way ahead even before being ON THE EDGE happens.  Tough to say this but we got to embrace it as one of the harshest realities which, by deftly handling our situation, we can, at the very least, influence the situation from turning it from the harshest one to a less harsh situation.  Softening up the situation by pushing you a bit OFF THE CLIFF when you're ON THE EDGE may mean a world of difference between a situation bordering between failure versus survival.  That's being ON THE EDGE❗❗❗

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