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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Don't take Shortcuts. Take the 'SURE CUTS' instead


I beg you. Don't take Shortcuts. Take the 'SURE CUTS' instead.

Happy Saturday. Indeed, after a full work week, who deserves a weekend break but us.

Oh. are there short cuts in life? Yessirrrr, one too many BUT it's all in the keyboard. So, while we all live in a digital world, let's leave those shortcuts right there on the keyboard, full stop. But in life, as my brother's one-liner goes, 'Take the SURE CUTs, not the SHORT CUTS'.

In life, we're all for success, in whatever form or shape it comes. Problem is, many of us thought [and still thinks till now] that success is around the corner? That colloquialism ‘isang tumbling na lang’ has been way too favored as a ra-ra slogan! But hell no, success is a journey and that journey is parallel to your lifetime, no less than that.

Lotto anyone? Some of us get hostaged by the 'lure of lotto', take it figuratively or literally. Dreaming is fine, that's a fact fact of life BUT once you wake up from your deep slumber, dump off that dream, get back on your feet. How many of us, our relatives, our friends who have been lured [over and over again] by jackpots & lotto? And what's the results and outcome arising from those human [and many times, frustrating] experiences? Nada, nil, zilch.

Such is life. Take the neckties and bow ties. There’s no shortcuts to it. You gotta follow the rules, the sequence, the turns, the Ups, the Downs till you end up with that sartorial elegance. Back to your health, your wellness. If you are in a medical recovery plan, follow it in toto. Neither should you under-dose nor overdose yourself and you gotta complete those prescriptions within the prescribed period.

What happens when you take short cuts? What are the ramifications? Not to scare you, you’ll be surprised that if you do take those risky short cuts, you will end up in a worse state compared to the bad shape you are in now. If it pertains to your health, if you had one foot on your grave, the next thing could see 1.5 of your feet right at its precipice. If you need to mend and repair your relationships either within your family or even with your bosses at work, you could end up from a bad apple to a rotten apple.

Now, let me face the mirror and talk to myself. If blogging is my passion, I gotta work for it, I gotta sweat it out, I gotta earn my spurs. Never never and never expect your blogsite traffic to shoot up to the stratosphere come next day, next week or even next month. Gotta work on it, dude.

I’d like cap off this Saturday piece by quoting former U.S. First Lady, Michelle Obama, when she cuts things through with these liners: We learned about honesty and integrity that the truth matters… that you don’t take shortcuts or play by your own set of rules… and success doesn’t count unless you earn it fair and square.

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