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Showing posts with label What Seals our Fate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What Seals our Fate. Show all posts

Friday, May 28, 2021

What Seals our Fate

 What Seals our Fate

Good question.  WHAT SEALS OUR FATE ?  Our foes ?  Nope. Our adversaries, if any ?  Not at all.  Our work environment ?  Definitely NO.  Or is it force majeure after all ?  It's NOTA, none of the above.  Unfortunately, that's the worst common denominator of mankind.  Count in even the first world versus the third world.  America's perennial critics claim that when America sneezes, the third world countries will catch colds.  But to me, that's baloney.  If third world countries are NOT third world, then they would have been first world.

Back to our lives though.  If I were a student and I' getting fidgety with the final marks I'll receive in my subjects, the basic question is:  WHAT MAKES ME FEEL NERVOUS ?  If I'm in a work environment and I'm feeling vulnerable when reorganizations and restructuring comes, what made me feel that vulnerable in the first place ?  WHAT LED ME TO THAT DOOMSDAY THOUGHT ?  Hmmm, everything happens for a reason.  Your state of health now, your academic standing now or your credibility at your workplace was of your own making.   

Truth is, "NO ONE DECIDES MY FATE BUT ME".  If you've gone this far, beat your chest, pat your back.  If you've stagnated, don't just tap your wrist.  If you're regressing, ask yourself, what were the triggers that caused you to regress.  As much as success does not happen overnight, so do failures.  You don't get flushed out that instantly into the sewerage.  Multiple mistakes could have compounded. Blunders could have happened in streaks.  And where were you during when mistakes and blunders happened left and right ?  Probably you were up high in the ivory tower, oblivious of what's going on in the ground.

Narratives anyone ?  Unfortunately, we can't hire ghost writers to write our narrative.  To our liking or not, we are our own authors.  It's us who lay down the foundations.  It's us who plot out our paths.  At those crossroads and intersections, obviously, opposing forces within us are pulling us to opposite directions but at the end of the day, it's our call.  Sad note here is that often times, we let things take its natural course but in a tossed coin, what if we lose by default, regardless if it's head or tail.  
 Our worst enemy ?  That's spelled either in three letters, abbreviated in two.  It's spelled Y-O-U, your very own 'ME'.  And what is it in us that sometimes dooms us to an ill-fated destiny, it's spelled four letters as F-E-A-R.  Why ?  It's because FEAR is the worst setback we can ever suffer in life.  Because it pushes us back.  Because it pushes us to the edges of the cliff, the precipice of what is spelled F-A-I-L-U-R-E.  How to avert all these ?  FIGHT your FEAR.  Overcome that FEAR.  Clobber those monsters.  Muster all your strength because there is no parachute solution you can cling on.  C'mon guys, YOU CAN DO IT.❗❗❗

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