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Showing posts with label Why Humility Pays Off. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Why Humility Pays Off. Show all posts

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Why Humility Pays Off

Why Humility Pays Off

Is it true that Humility Pays Off?  Really? WHYHOW?  Let me share this joke from Quora.com courtesy of Dale Bishop's post on August 17th.  Three men were sitting in the same row of the Boeing 767 waiting for their long haul flight to take off.  As the airplane got airborne, , the guy on the left blurted "Admiral, U.S. Navy, Retired, married, two sons'.  The guy on the right blurted: 'Admiral, U.S. Navy Retired, married, two sons, both surgeons'.  The guy in the middle humbly and meekly said: 'Chief Petty Officer, U.S. Navy.  Retired, never been married, two sons, both Admirals' ✅✅✅

That's NOT to say we should NOT display our own confidence as a leader, whether in school OR at the workplace OR out there in the market but it's just that we need to temper our confidence with HUMILITY.  Yet, as we all aspire to be leaders [YESSSSS, admit it folks, everyone of us is nursing that hope to be a leader in our own way], we all need to come to terms as to how much essential is HUMILITY for us to reach that zenith of effective leadershipπŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“™

So WHY exactly?  Experts have embarked on studies which led to the same conclusions that proves how impactful HUMILITY is.  Primero, it does allow us to LEARN as most successful people learn from their own mistakes to improve their performance and even teach others.  HUMILITY comes into the picture because it is an essential foundation to be able to admit that we're NOT perfect and that we will benefit from reflecting on WHAT we should do differently, all because of HUMILITYπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Further, if there is anything HUMILITY proves, it does prove that we DON'T KNOW IT ALL.  And this is one very envied hallmark of a LEADER.  Someone who admits his lapses and inadequacies and in the process, even picks up lessons and improves himself along the way.  Now, here comes a positive spin of that 'DOMINO EFFECT' when HUMILITY tends to create 'ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES'.  By admitting our shortfalls and inadequacies, that opens up opportunities for us to LEARN, even providing us with better perspectives in lifeπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Down the road, HUMILITY will effortlessly magnify your strengths and pluses.  HOW?  WHY?  Being that genuinely and authentically HUMBLE will go a long way to 'humanize' a leader and thereby strengthen trust and build confidence and even loyalty, whether it's at the workplace, at the marketplace OR even at home.  And let's face it, without HUMILITY, it will be undoubtedly difficult to step into the vulnerability we need to succeed once we're surrounded with uncertainty.  Remember those three guys seating next to each other. HUMILITY prevailed over there❗❗❗

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