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Showing posts with label I Will. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I Will. Show all posts

Saturday, July 10, 2021

I Can, I Will, I Must

 I Can, I Will, I Must

How often do we pester ourselves and ask oneself when something needs to be done or accomplished ?  Oh, personally, I have known several folks to be that 'ANALYTICAL'.  And to be fair, for most people I've personally come to know as 'analytical', literally they would analyze after going through all iterations and permutations.  End result ?  They are then into their next step, i.e. analyzing their analysis.  I'm serious, I've witnessed people into this conundrum  and I sadly commiserate with them because, with their analytical capabilities, they will end up in 'ANALYSIS PARALYSIS' because they end up paralyzed and either unsure or simply indecisive 'TO GO FOR IT' simply because of that 'ANALYSIS PARALYSIS'.  
Now let's nail down things and call a spade a spade. In every thought process where the outcome is NOT a no-brainer, we just need to go through a 3-point TEST, namely:  CAN I do it, WILL I do it and MUST I do it.  Where all these interrogatives end up in a resounding affirmative YES, then DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE.  No IFs, No BUTs and NO TOMORROW's.  For a not so simple action, acting on it may not mean literally tomorrow but within a concrete and specifically committed timelines.
So what happens when we are unsure whether what we can and will do, needs to be done as a MUST ?  The long and short of it, that's INDECISION.  And what happens next ?  We gotta fix that INDECISIVENESS, pronto.
Once INDECISIVENESS becomes apparent in our life, that should not be taken for granted.  That is no fun.  So where's the fix ?  Figure it out what's making your decisions hard ?  Are you AFRAID of FAILURE ?  Or even AFRAID of the CONSEQUENCES of SUCCESS ?  Probably, you seem to worry what other people seem to be thinking of you.  And that's a symptom of perfectionism creeping in your life.  
Now, let's get glued to this poster bluntly telling us 'HOW A WRONG DECISION IS BETTER THAN INDECISION'.  In fact, indecisions is not bad per se.  But it becomes that bad when you end up waiting too long.  But question is, HOW LONG IS TOO LONG ?  Grapple with the circumstances at your hands.  Could you end up losing something you've been wanting ?  Will that end up as an OPPORTUNITY LOST if you wait further ?  Or will coming up with the decision become just more difficult if you'll bide your time ?  What's not apparent to us is that INDECISIONS can sometimes become DECISIONS BY DEFAULTIF YOU DECIDE NOT TO DECIDE, you are, actually, giving up your POWER of CHOICE.  If you're jobhunting, someone else might be hired.  If you're house-hunting, another buyer might grab that dream home.  C'mon folks, let's get over that hump ❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

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