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Showing posts with label right attitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label right attitude. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2021

BTW, What is "Right" ?

BTW, What is "Right" ?

💡Life has been tough.  Blame it on our mindset.  Oh, life has been good.  Credit it to our mindset.  That exactly is the real score.  Take your pick, which mindset you have.  If you're that conservative enough always going for the status quo, we commiserate that your journey in life may not bring you that far, and closer to your dreams and goals with that 'fixed' mindset.  Have that 'growth' mindset and you'll go far, that we can bet.  Take it from Caroline Castrillon in her Forbes piece 
@ https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinecastrillon/2019/07/09/why-a-growth-mindset-is-essential-for-career-success/?sh=1be457828b5e wherein she tweets these very messages that should hit us quite hard and deep.
Once you have made up about the right mindset, go relook into your attitude in life, in your goals,  Take skydiving.  It's as simple as either or.  If you keep reminding yourself that 'NO WAY WOULD I JUMP', you're goddam right, there's no way you can jump coz you won't in the first place.  Where you put your focus into it, overcome your handicap and hone yourself up on the pre-requisite skills, one day you will be taking that plunge, and very very likely, your maiden jump will happen with aplomb.
When it comes to sourcing and recruitment, one of the cards I play so close to my chest is this:  I go for ATTITUDE more than aptitude.  You can sell yourself as the best and the brightest candidate from the market but once I get to discern your 'chink in your armor', i.e. that spotty attitude at best, I won't have the qualms to archive your documents in those dustbins because I'd rather throw all my bets for someone with the right attitude.  No amount of rebuttal can swing me around 180 degrees.
That attitude of looking at the ultimate goal, that attitude of being motivated to sweat it out like real dogs, that attitude that will never say die even when he stumbles flat on his face, that attitude which pushes you to gasp and catch more for that breath that you're barely having, that attitude who keeps moving the goal post up and upwards, that attitude who never stops till he reaches the peak, the zenith of his dreams, those are the hallmarks of success that is fed and ignited no less by the burning fuels coming from that high octane attitude.
We can rattle off all the success stories and we don't have to sneak into the big league.  Go back to your school batches and you would realize that indeed, that Red Sea Story really happens, when the boys get separated from the men and that's when the 'cream of the crop' surfaces.  And if you're out there in the rice fields, that's when you see the rice grains get separated from the rice chaffs.  While the grains  move on with their value out there in the market, guess where do those chaffs ended ? Hmmmm, they got dumped here and there at a value that is almost nil.  All it takes is cut off that 'T' from I can't as long as you can convince yourself that you can.  
The third leg of this triumvirate of success is FORTITUDE.  No need to window dress what FORTITUDE is because this poster says a mouthful.  But briefly, it's that 'kicker' within you, that catalyst that will push you to GO AHEAD and GO even if the cards may be stacked against you.  It's like going into no man's land, a tract of land tattered with mines scattered everyone and ready to blow up as soon as you trip it.  As this thread goes deeper, please flip into LNKEDIN's piece @ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140520170225-30779309-build-resilience-mental-fortitude.  That is a 101 guide to build resilience and that mental FORTITUDE.  📌

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Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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