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Sunday, November 1, 2020



Fence-sitter, are YOU ?

Fence-sitter, are you ?

Oh, life is but a two-sided coin.

You've got to be on either side, not fence-sitting !

But have we stumbled across a fence-sitter ?

Truth is, there is a plethora of fence-sitters. Be it politicians. Be it silent naysayers. Be it chameleons. Be it opportunists.

But c'mon, what makes these species dig-up deep into the ground ? Simply put, these are the opportunists with the worst skins ! They are the crop of fearsome souls who can't end up rock bottom because they continue to irrationally cling to the long rejected fallacy that you can't lose in life if at least you are out there, fence-sitting !

So, what gives ?

There's just so much upside to it if you face the stark realities in life and go back to basics. Aim for the sky so you can end up on the tree-top when you fail. Whereas, if you aim for the tree-top, you will fall flat on your face right on the ground if you fail.

In these trying times, in these challenging months, can you give yourself an adrenaline shot so that you can move and move your ass ? Damn if you do, damn if you don't. Time is just slipping pretty fast like quicksilver through your fingers.

Do come to terms till you can scream and shout that in your own life, YOU've GOT THE BALLS !

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