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Showing posts with label DON'T Cast Your Pearls Before Swine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DON'T Cast Your Pearls Before Swine. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Matthew 7:6 - DON'T Cast Your Pearls Before Swine

 Matthew 7:6 - DON'T Cast Your Pearls Before Swine

💊Lest I get misconstrued, this is neither a theological piece nor a pitch from the pulpit.  Instead, please allow to take a leaf from the sixth verse of the seventh chapter of the New Testament which says: 'DON'T Cast Your Pearls Before Swine'.  Simply put, you may have something good or valuable for someone else but unfortunately, that person may not see the value in it regardless all the good faith you may be manifesting.  In earnest, you may keep stretching and reaching out but if all that good faith is hardly understood or appreciated, even the New Testament tells us to put a stop to it.  Enough of that stretched patience of not giving up when there is no reciprocity, no appreciation, no acknowledgment from the other end.

Simply put, if people are not listening, stop that loop.  Instead, PULL BACK, because you end up devaluing what you have been saying or offering and yet, you kept being ignored or at worst, rejected.  From your end, you need to chase any remaining doubts away that may inevitably accrue as you keep attempting to endeavor doing something that's shaping up to be difficult and challenging.  Bottom-line is you need to have that commitment and strength of character that enables you through those times that are becoming difficult to handle.

The worst thing that could impact is if nihilism is right within us.  Unless you dump that out of your system, you have a china man's chance of prevailing once you are in a predicament that can make or unmake you.  And contrary to the misconception that nihilism is all about pessimism, that's not really the case because nihilism exists in us if we are living a life that is not purposeful in the first place.  Turning to the SMEs and experts in Philosophy @ https://philosophyterms.com/nihilism/, it just makes sense to reference this piece because what philosophers fear most when nihilism prevails in us is that it may [likely] lead to 'hopelessness, immorality, weakness and worst, destruction'.  It goes further: 'Nihilism has probably been the most universally demonized philosophy in the Western World'.

It's no news anymore to see naysayers all over the place but what behooves is for us to swing them around, win them over to your side, to your thoughts, to all the good faith and goodwill you have been extending.  Have that sense, else you will fall apart on your own.  For you to have something to aim at, you need to come to grips with a purpose that will motive you because that's all about life.  We need a purpose in life.
From this masterful piece from https://www.inc.com/sam-mcroberts/7-cognitive-biases-that-are-holding-you-back.html, it tells us, we might 'believe that your conscious self is in control of your life  but the scientific reality is very much the opposite'.  And it will take gargantuan effort for us to overcome those biases in life that will impact our lives, among others, as per Inc.com:  Confirmation Bias, Loss Aversion, Gambler's Fallacy, Availability Cascade, Framing Effect, Bandwagon Effect and lastly, the Dunning-Kruger Effect [which revolves around arrogance and egotism.  And as per Inc.com, we can conquer [or at the very least, mitigate] these biases with that four-step approach from Inc.com.    

Oh, I like this simple poster.  Sometimes in our lives, we need to build walls or doors because it could lead us to opportunities in life.  From Pinterest @ https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/417286721706504392/, 'when opportunity knocks on your door, always be willing to take a chance, because you never know how perfect something could turn out to be.
Here's the catch though.  Most of us [me myself in the past] frequently manifest that 'recency bias'.  In this interesting piece @ https://www.verywellmind.com/the-recency-effect-4685058, it becomes crystal clear that this recency bias is dependent on our short-term memory.  And that's when the risk creeps because that 'active memory' gives us that 'ability to hold a relatively small amount of memory in the mind for a brief period of time'.  And what' becomes dreadful if that recency will influence you once you grapple with decisions critical enough in your life.  With a very limited sampling, there is a high probability that that decision may not even make sense at all.  Apologies for these in-depth insights but it's about time.📯

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