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Showing posts with label You Are What You 'FEED YOUR MIND'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You Are What You 'FEED YOUR MIND'. Show all posts

Sunday, July 4, 2021

You Are What You 'FEED YOUR MIND'

You Are What You 'FEED YOUR MIND'

The basics and fundamentals of information technology [I.T.] is never different from our own lives even when devoid and detached from technology.  INPUT--> PROCESS --> OUTPUT.  Do you see yourself oozing with all the POSITIVITY ?  Or do you see yourself veering on the NEGATIVITY ?  Or probably you just tend to be that INDIFFERENT, manifesting that "I DON'T CARE" indifference on what's going on around you.  Never blame anyone if you are either indifferent or that negative over and over again.

In today's connected world, there is just one too many content available you can binge-watch, listen to or read from tons and tons of either negative or positive sources.  Let's discuss the BASICs of our MIND.  Learning is INPUT and action is OUTPUT.  Things that get fed into your mind has that potential to create something out of it.  What we learn and listen from others are inputs into our mind.  Our mind then processes and makes sense of what we learned or listened.

This pattern is so common it is everywhere in life.  If the pattern is true, which it is, it raises our awareness that WHAT WE ALLOW TO ENTER OUR MIND CAN RESULT IN AN ACTION THAT WILL CREATE SOMETHING.  

So, what are we feeding our mind then each day? Are we feeding it with new things that open and expand your thinking ?  Are you feeding with positive thoughts ?  Are you feeding it with things that will make a difference in your life ?

Respected American Author Zig Ziglar can be best quoted: 'YOU HAVE TO FEED YOUR MIND DAILY WITH THE GOOD, CLEAN, PURE, POWERFUL and POSITIVE'.  That's it folks.  There are a few fundamental choices to make with what you allow in your mind.  You can feed your mind with NEGATIVE, NEURAL or POSITIVE things, each of which inputs something BAD, INDIFFERENT or GOOD.

Now i'll face the mirror and call a spade a spade.  The past years, I spent some of my time going through trolls and all the fake news in social media.  What did I end up with ?  I ended up so negative of the goings-on around me.  My shutters just went off.  But it's never late to rectify even oneself.

And changing horses at midstream is never late though.  TED TALKS is one of the best forums we can tap for positive inputs in life.  TED TALKS is a deep and huge reservoir of everything that can be positive inputs in our life.  And the best thing is that it's FREE [unless you need its premium services].  Even Youtube is not far different from TED TALKS.  Just last night, I watched the one-hour conferment of a Doctorate Degree to a former Asian President from Loyola Marymount University. With the speeches from the guests [LA Mayor and Congresswoman Walters], I picked up tons of positive inputs into my mind.  I may breach an overflow but that's a happy problem I'd like to have.  So c'mon, let's continue feeding our mind with everything that's POSITIVE.❗❗❗

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