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Showing posts with label Majority Of Stress Is SELF-INFLICTED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Majority Of Stress Is SELF-INFLICTED. Show all posts

Monday, August 7, 2023

Majority Of Stress Is SELF-INFLICTED

Majority Of Stress Is SELF-INFLICTED

Majority Of Stress Is SELF-INFLICTED, oh really?  Yesireeeee, studies have shown this result.  Experts have even identified it as part of a SELF-INJURY DISORDER which covers other psychological manifestations [which we DON'T intend to cover here].  Instead, let's focus on STRESS and dissect why indeed a Majority Of Stress Is SELF-INFLICTED.  But unlike self-injury, with STRESS, there is no intent to willfully harm oneself as STRESS does not typically involve cutting, burning or even subtle but scary manifestations [like hair-pulling]✅✅✅

From a behavioral standpoint, self-inflicted stress was traced by experts to folks who were often raised in families that discouraged expression of anger.  And that includes individuals who lack skills to express their emotions and worse, may be lacking a good social support network [especially those detached from their immediate family].  So, the bigger question is what really leads to the self-infliction of stress❓❓❓

When life is 'BUSY', sometimes the laundry and dishes get neglected.  If you CAN'T see your floor and your kitchen is too dirty to use, we're NOT judging you.  But can we agree that a CLUTTERED space leads to a CLUTTERED mind?  Exactly, mess can cause stress [or even worse].  A research study found women with messy homes had elevated stress levels compared to those with spaces that are cluttered-freeπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Let's think about how you feel when your space is dirty versus how you feel when it's clean.  A little stressed?  Or overwhelmed?  So, what's our FIXes?  Start off by committing to a set cleaning schedule.  Let's encourage maintaining regular schedule for at least our daily predictable chores and activitiesπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

And if you need to write your TO-DO List, please DON'T ever scribble 'EVERYTHING' because your self-inflicted stress will be born from thereon.  Now back to your home.  If you're NOT fun of cleaning, tidying your space can be a stressful task within itself.  BUT try thinking of others, it can make the process a FEEL-GOOD experience.  I can attest to do after I religiously follow my schedules [and timelines].  By the time I'm done, I would heave a sigh of relief with not a slightest tinge of stress.  SELF-INFLICTED STRESS?  Put a stop to itπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

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