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Showing posts with label A Glass Half Full View. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Glass Half Full View. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

A Glass Half Full View

A Glass Half Full View

Bringing A Glass Half Full View as today's thread seems awfully boring.  You might even question me "HAVE YOU RAN OUT OF TOPICS" right on the 2nd day of 2023 ouch Oh no, I didn't run out of topics [not even when we bid 2022 adieu] but rather, I thought I should pluck out threads that may be seemingly boring but if it's relevance is that jarring, I'd take it with no alacrity.
Oh, I liked this poster because of its technical definition that indeed a half full glass is technically FULL.  If only that technicality is not that debatable, then we can rest our case.  But I'm afraid this kicks off the dust and maybe the sandstorm.  To be compromising, I WON'T push hard for that technical definition but go for what is 'palatable' to hear.  Swinging over to our lives, WHEN you wanted $100 but what you have is $50, do you scream out in frustration?  WHEN  you dreamt of a Ferrari car but all you can afford is a Toyota,  WHEN you wanted to tour Europe's Schengen 'area' but ended up as a domestic tourist.  To the typical Tom, Dick and Harry, all these would meant A Glass Half Empty
Agree, things will have to boil down to the points of view but again, let's look back into our daily lives.  First off, we DON'T wake up every morning with a Butler on hand.  Neither do we wake up with breakfast to be served in bed.  The realities in life should sink in us.  As our forefathers kept preaching, let us COUNT our BLESSINGS and not what we wished for but it's NOT there.  Remember, much as we want that 'ideal' state, it may take light years for that 'ideal' state to come.  Will you wait for that?
Yesirrrrrrrrs, this poster is screaming that we should COUNT [Y]OUR BLESSINGS.  In brief, DON'T count the number of times you stumbled flat on your face.  DON'T count the many crisis you had to weather.  DON'T count the times when you were almost penniless.  Instead, COUNT those times you did recover.  COUNT those moments you did rise up from the ground.  COUNT those times you went back ON-TRACK after being 'off tracked'.
To quote successful author Shadonna Richards, BEGINNING TODAY, MAKE IT A HABIT TO COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS EVERYDAY.  There's no other way around this.  If you/we DON'T buy to this advice, that is miserable if not despicable because it is likely you will get waylaid in life as you keep counting the DOWNs and NOT the UPs.  And what does that mean?  BTW, those DOWNs will hardly inspire you/us and instead, it will push us farther down into that morass we're stuck❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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