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Showing posts with label What Really Should Be Our FOCUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What Really Should Be Our FOCUS. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2024

What Really Should Be Our FOCUS

What Really Should Be Our FOCUS

FOCUS seems like a boring topic, IS IT?  No sirrrrrs, I feel this deserves our space today.  So, What Really Should Be Our FOCUS?  Indeed, the power of FOCUS affects all aspects of our life.  We can FOCUS on goals at work, in our relationships, OR on our personal goals even inclusive of emotional health and even our fitness.  And YESSSSSSS, we can manifest those of goals into fruitionπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅
BUT our huge LIFE GOALS we have are made up of SMALLER wins, SMALLER accomplishments.  And learning how to FOCUS on the task at hand and complete each step toward living the LIFE we desire is the ONLY way to achieve greatness.  Most people are able to FOCUS at least some of the time, a fraction of the available time.  And if we're doing something we enjoy, OR exercising and moving our body, we're likely to get "IN THE ZONE".  BUT sometimes, we just CAN'T seem to figure out how to FOCUSπŸ“™πŸ“˜πŸ“—
We're at work, and we know we need to get a task done BUT we tend to keep browsing.  We're in a meeting and find our mind wandering.  Maybe we're even with our family at the dinner table BUT don't know WHAT your 'significant other' just said.  Learning how to FOCUS better is vital to achieving our GOALSFOCUS makes our family and our partner/spouse feel important and valued [and it's the only way to get things done.  At work, the fact that we're an integral part of our organization, even if we're still in hybrid work-from-home, it behooves that we put on the FOCUS as consistent as ever✅✅✅
SO HOWGET INTO THE DRIVER'S SEAT [of your life] and buckle up].  As human beings, we like to be in CONTROLIF we're driving a motorcycle, we tend to be comfortable with the direction BUT the fact is, most people LIVE THEIR LIFE 'on the back of the motorcycle' and WHO'S driving the front of it is all the demands in their life.  So, ARE YOU LETTING THE DEMANDS IN YOUR LIFE DETERMINE YOUR LIFE'S DIRECTION?  Dude, it's time to ask WHY.  The key to concentration DOESN'T come from outside yourself❗❗❗
The most powerful factor in FOCUS is our own state.  If we're wondering how to FOCUS, the first step is to honestly evaluate your current state and learn WHAT DRIVES YOU.  Only then can you make the necessary changes to take charge of your life.  Another think to revisit is your pre-set standards.  Do you prefer doing a task for the sake of doing it?  Do you deliver an output for the sake of delivering it?  So WHAT's our take today?  Ask yourself, WHAT SHOULD BE MY FOCUS IN LIFE❓❓❓

Straight from my thought processes...

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